Wiki edits | UX discussion

Today I read this on the garuda wiki

As a bonus hblock could be used. It blocks ads and malware domains using the /etc/hosts file which blocks the domains locally rather than via a DNS server. ArcoLinux got some more information on this topic. Also, you can modify your /etc/hosts file yourself by using this database with the most spooky sites including ads, tracking, porn, fake news and gambling. You can choose what you want to block, so no need to worry, coomers.

found here
This joke at the end is funny, but also gross and super unprofessional for a linux distribution’s official wiki. It sends a message about who the intended audience is, especially if someone doesn’t know what this joke means and searches it up, only to find the gross (and probably 18+ topic) it refers to. And yes, minors can and do use Linux, myself included in the past.

I’ve noticed two other similar cases so far. This is, in part, a gaming distribution, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a meme one as well.

alternative: “You can choose what you want to block.”

This is in the Btrfs Assistant. Again, it’s funny (and no, I didn’t overbuy, I just don’t have all my games and such on this drive :P). But to someone not familiar with this kind of culture, it can totally come off as an insult, or just be super confusing. It’s also misleading, since having less filled SSDs can drastically improve disk performance.

alternative: “You have lots of free space”

Third is in the terminal. Getting the password wrong gives a funny message. I laughed. But insulting the user without telling them what they did wrong is obviously horrible UX. I’m sure we all know that, it’s just that whoever implemented this thought it would be worth it for the humor. However, I don’t think it’s worth it. Firstly, an inexperienced user might not understand that they entered their password incorrectly. A terminal is already a scary place for people, and not getting help – in fact, getting insulted for doing it wrong – can make it worse. Arch is not meant for noobs, but isn’t Garuda? Experienced people don’t need all the GUIs this distro offers. I have my dad using a Linux distro, Fedora, for most of his work. I’d love to have him use this distro to make his experience even better, but the UX isn’t there for his kind of personality and mentality. This kind of “error” message would just confuse him and make him angry.

alternative: “You’ve entered your password incorrectly, please try again”

All of this alienates people and narrows the audience Garuda can capture. Tons of less-than tech-savvy people can use the wonderful GUI applications to make their experience easy, but may be turned off by the kind of unnecessary attitude the users may experience. I love this distro and I want to see it succeed. I think to do so, it could do with some more professionalism.

potential alternative: if these “features” are really wanted, make the terminal and Btrfs jokes an opt-in setting, or have a meme version of Garuda released with these included.

I just realized I made this an essay without meaning to, lol. tldr read everything above

I don’t think so :eyes:
I have used debian based distros for years !!
And still at first I found it have a little bit learning curve.
Mods usually recommend Arch wiki as beginning tool here.

I feel garuda more like a ready to use distro, which you just install and start using it . But still you need some skills of “I use Arch BTW” things . (Just an opinion :slightly_smiling_face: )

Yup, Myself included last year :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, IDK if that is long way problem, as it is just one or two minutes thing, when I first time ran update command in garuda and got a message “Are you drunk ?”, I actually found it very funny :grin: , even though I was 15 or something at that time :upside_down_face: .

Every person has different perspective, this was mine , I can’t say that your perspective is wrong but I think it can be an endless debate :smiley:

As no one would be completely wrong or right . :slightly_smiling_face:


Every person has different perspective, this was mine , I can’t say that your perspective is wrong but I think it can be an endless debate :smiley:

Completely agree. But that’s why I’m making arguments from pragmatism. We might find those jokes ok, honestly I find them a bit annoying because I’m UX brained, but the focus is that they remove vast sums of people who don’t.

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even google is crass with its advertising around private tabs

by @dalto , unfortunately has nothing to do with Garuda. It is an application like any other. @dalto never jokes, well not since I’ve been reading his posts, which should be a little over 6 years. I was very pleased to see that he can do humor too. :slight_smile:

In the terminal, I find it refreshing and lightening up how they try to take away the user’s fear of the terminal, those who don’t understand “are you drunk?” in connection with the prompt “password:” should reconsider their choice of operating system. :wink:

If I’m wrong somewhere, I haven’t had a coffee today, and I apologize in advance.


Ah! Sorry about the Btrfs confusion, I should have looked into if it was a native Garuda app.

In the terminal, I find it refreshing and lightening up how they try to take away the user’s fear of the terminal, those who don’t understand “are you drunk?” in connection with the prompt “password:” should reconsider their choice of operating system. :wink:

It’s hard to put myself in the position of someone who isn’t very familiar with the terminal. But almost all password prompts provide feedback along the lines of “wrong password, try again” and deviating from that significantly seems like it would confuse newbies. I think making Garuda as intuitive and easy to understand as possible without removing functionality is important. If people choose Garuda because it seems to be linux-newb friendly (I’d say that’s objectively true) then ensuring the terminal experience is as understandable as possible seems to be a logical goal.

What about the wiki?

IDK if @dr460nf1r3 wrote the text, my english is very bad and deepl dos not translate “coomers” so, lets see what we can do.

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I wrote the initial text, but iirc someone else wrote this part. I have the profile picture in mind but can’t remember the username :eyes: I don’t even know what “coomers” is supposed to be :joy: this one can be edited out for sure.

As for BTRFS Assistant, that’s @dalto’s choice to make.

And finally the sudo stuff, I’m honestly very fond of the insults. They add personality and give funny answers. Though this might be in the eye of the viewer.


In this case, when it sounds like slang, I use the Urban dictionary. And it isn’t nice at all this time :thinking:


Just removed.


This is part of sudo and just an easteregg. By default it is disabled - in Garuda Linux it is enabled. This just shows that the maintainers are having fun with the project and want to stand out from other Linux distributions in this respect. If you don’t like sudo insults, you can simply deactivate it :slight_smile:

I agree with @sgs. This is the only evidence in the world that @dalto has a sense of humor. This is historically significant and must be preserved for posterity :smile:

just install coffeed with

sudo pacman -S coffeed

then run

coffeectl fill cup

Feel free to make a cronjob for every morning :grin:


This topic has my sense of humor on life support. :sweat:

It seems I need to re-evaluate my life… :sob:


An overt, obvious joke like the one in the BTRFS Assistant is very unlike Dalto (I guess it was an experimental upgrade to his AI software, that got patched out later), but that doesn’t mean he does not have a great sense of humour. Many of his posts made me laugh out loud. I think his humour is very subtle, dry, but also quite clever and rather cheeky at times. And the burns are real, I experienced them myself :rofl:


@dalto, happy cake day!


Not to go too far off-topic, but for what it’s worth I think @dalto has a great sense of humor. Anyone who thinks otherwise has obviously not seen this masterpiece:


Tell me what “coomers” is and I’ll remove the ? from the title.

I agree with ya on the removing of the sexually explicit reference.

The others may not be good UX, but Garuda is also a distro which won’t hold your hand. The modern computers tend to be more sterile and clean without a lot of personality. The little quips and jabs remind me of my earlier days getting into computers. I enjoy the bits of humor, and they quite often make me smile. I see it as part of the personality of Garuda and keeps alive the spirit found in early computing.


I don’t think we need to have a discussion about this here in the forum. There are already informative links in the topic if you would like to learn more: Wiki edits | UX discussion - #9 by filo

If anyone needs more information than that, I think it is probably something people should just research on their own.

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OMFG. That’s disgusting.

@MarvinTMB, please go “coomer” in private, please. No one here wants to see your genitals–or lack of them.

All things are fixed, removed or clarified.
So I closed it.
Unlisted too, we have user under 18 years.