How Can i find or install a software store.??? for Garuda linux?
Use Octopi if you want an app
is it preinstalled or is it something i need to find to download?
Its preinstalled, search for it. It as well usually on the bottom panel.
Use pacseek
in terminal, it is user-friendly.
Install software only in terminal with pacman
, use octopi
only for searching!
IIRC octopi
is not preinstalled in all desktop environments by default.
We don’t know what you use or want to install.
Maybe he can search for DISCOVER App if he dont have istalled. i have them on kde dr460nized and gaming version=)(preinstalled)Also check garuda welcome Gamer or Asisstant to install software=)
You can’t use discover for arch apps you can set it up for flatpak but garuda offers no support there. As its on the flatpak maintainers of the app for fixes or help.
thanks elite,
i didnt have set it up or doing flatpack stuff.but if i open discover it shows me apps for installing.i didnt install over discover yet because i like the Terminal more to use for my stuff and checking if something is wrong.
In the mind that I will ridicule myself…
Why to use octopi only for searching?
Did you install PackageKit? if so remove it asap. Discover without flatpaks should only be used for kde theming/widgets updates. Arch isn’t a place for gui software centers. its just not built for them.
At the end of the day packagekit will break your system if you use it. Even the upstream url for it is sketch.
It will lead to partial updates and installs. It happens every time someone uses it. Eventually. Also when troubleshooting it has its own issues.
aah I see,
I usually used to install apps via octopi and than run garuda-update on top of it
If a gui is wanted its far faster to just make a arch website webapp in floorp or firedragon or with the webapp program. an search there and copy the name an paste it after paru or paru -S
Not on myself exactly.But i have many DE`s not only KDE so could be possible for Gnome?
so im lucky i dont use it.i will remove them and see if something has a problem with it=)
ps. would be an idea kind in garuda-rani like Gaming apps=)
Its for all stores. if its installed it normally is enabled in the store so its best to remove it. Arch themselves give you a warning about it as well.
One question. Is pacseek installed by default in all desktop enviroment?
Nope, only for sway, i3 and hyprland.
There is, it’s call pacman! Or if you want more-----YAY!
You can choose to install any of those during setup…
However I second @SGS’s recommendations, to
Discover is also pretty good for browsing, but as it warns, is not supported in Garuda for installing and updating.