We are extremely concerned

This might answer that question:


It’s called stability and reliability.


I would love to know where these so called “sources” are so I can see for myself. Please provide links because I get enough lies from…

  • Politicians
  • Mainstream Media
  • Alternative Media
  • AI
  • Law Enforcement
  • History Books
  • Public Education
  • University Papers
  • Social Media
  • Corporations
  • Banks
  • Non-Governmental Organizations

And I don’t want to see that brought to a Linux community. So please, you will have to forgive me for my request in evidence based links, and please pardon my language but I have a classic case of “Bull Shit” fatigue


I think @Arius has achieved exactly what he wanted.

He knew that Garuda Linux is not going down the drain and a new release is planned:

The starting post looked like a troll attempt from the beginning and his deleted post smelled strongly of ChatGPT.

He’s enjoying his vacation from the forum right now, and to avoid giving him any more attention, I’m closing here.

Don’t feed the Troll.