Waybar + Scale 200%

Hi! I like hyprland so mucho and I say… I’will probe, now is the moment!

Great work of Garuda Team with all DEs/WMs! Appearance, config, terminal fish … etcetera

I have a laptop with resolution 2880x1800. I need scale to 2, It see well but the waybar does not work well with the default waybar configuration.

Many of the icons are pushed off the screen on the right hand side.

I also see the file ~/.config/waybar/config , but I think modify that width and most probably change the pixel fonts size?

How adapter waybar to my resolution/scale? What’s the best way?

I commented this in hyprland.conf:

once = .local/bin/mon.sh

And the monitor config is:

monitor = eDP-1,2880x1800@60,0x0,2

Go to /.config/waybar and open the config file and there change the width to your monitor width.

Also, follow the template, post garuda-inxi :grin:

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Seems you need


If you like some space left and right, try 1430 or 1435.

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I use Sway, but there’s waybar here too.
I had the opposite problem, low resolution.
I commented out height and width in ~/.config/waybar/config which makes it adapt to the screen resolution and font size, then changed font-size in ~/.config/waybar/style.css in the * { ... } section.
I hope it helps.
The Waybar wiki on GitHub has plenty of information about customizing it.

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if you are on hyprland use this in hyprland config
