Unable to get Yandex Browser Stable

I am unable to get Yandex Browser, on the Yandex website there is no option for Arch only for Debian systems, I haven’t got any result with ‘yay’ here, any idea? Thanks.

 ╭─alnone@alnone in ~ as 🧙 took 4s
[🔴] × LANG=C yay -S yandex-browser-stable
:: Resolving dependencies...
error: could not find all required packages:
    yandex-browser-stable (target)

 ╭─alnone@alnone in ~ as 🧙 took 1s

There are 3 versions in the AUR.

paru yandex-browser
5 aur/yandex-browser-ffmpeg-codecs-update-hook 0.0.1-1 [+0 ~0.00] [Out-of-date: 2023-01-09] [Orphaned]
alpm-hook to automatically update yandex-browser's ffmpeg codecs on package update
4 aur/yandex-browser-corporate [+0 ~0.00]
The web browser from Yandex. Yandex Browser is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
3 aur/yandex-browser-ffmpeg-codecs-opera 0.0.2-1 [+5 ~0.00] [Out-of-date: 2020-10-23] [Orphaned]
symlink for opera-ffmpeg-codecs package to be used with yandex-browser
2 aur/yandex-browser-beta [+85 ~0.00] [Out-of-date: 2023-05-16]
The web browser from Yandex. Yandex Browser is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
1 aur/yandex-browser [+34 ~1.56]
The web browser from Yandex. Yandex Browser is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated
technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
:: Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3):

yandex-browser-stable looks like it may have been in the AUR at one point, but not anymore. Listed as a conflict for the yandex-browser
Most likely yandex-browser or yandex-browser-corporate is what you are looking for considering what is currently in the AUR list @TilliDie provided (a lot of marked as out of date).

Edit: Please also do not post assistance threads in Garuda Community . They belong in Issues & Assistance , where a template would normally help you in constructing a proper opening post to your thread.


Just to make it uniform and fair.
We always ask to post the garuda-inxi.

What’s the problem with not posting garuda-inxi?
It contains additional, useful information about the status of your system.

:warning: Missing information requested in the template may result in not receiving assistance

Make sure you have done the following before you post:

Issue still unresolved? Then:

  • ONE issue per topic.

  • Describe your issue in detail. The more we know, the better we can help

  • Show us the results of your searches, and what you’ve tried

  • After rebooting, post the FULL output of garuda-inxi in the body of the post (not linked externally, or collapsed with the “hide details” feature)

  • Format terminal output (including your garuda-inxi) as a code block by clicking the preformatted text button (</>) , or put three tildes (~) above and below the text

Without garuda-inxi this request will be moved to 412 Precondition Failed


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