UKUI mate fork

I'm just very curious since this is the very first time I've ever seen someone call UKUI a mate fork considering UKUI is based on QT these days wouldn't a different description be more fitting?


It is right here. Btw sorry but I don't think that chinese can do anything real. All they can do is copy, and now they have even removed mate's mention.
It is worth mentioning on the website that ukui was earlier derived from mate but now they have removed credits from their websites or wikis.

I was ye the mention isn't wrong, their own sites, repos etc indeed do not mention it at least not for UKUI 3 it's a completely new repo so I'm unaware if 2 ever mentioned it. but I think it could get a better description

UKUI (Ubuntu Kylin User Interface) Originally forked from MATE is a simple and intuitive interface adapted to the habit of users that are familiar with Windows.

is just something I would suggest.

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