Sweet home 3d program did not start

Hi Garudians My sweet home 3d program did not start after update…when i am reinstalling it, i happened to see this message in pacman.

If the application crashes during the startup or claims there’s
no graphic support for 3D rendering you can switch to Java3D 1.6
by using:
SWEETHOME3D_JAVA3D=1.6 sweethome3d
or set the SWEETHOME3D_JAVA3D environment variable in your profile

I typed in terminal this command.

SWEETHOME3D_JAVA3D=1.6 sweethome3d

it started working… As i know only little Linux ,Please someone please discuss this. so it may benefit someone.

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Have you asked Google yet? Discussion starts with research and the disclosure of what you have found and analysis thereof.

Sometimes it’s what you bring to the party that matters most. What has your research found?

BTW, glad you were perceptive enough to ‘fix’ the problem on your end.


I agree with c00ter, there isn't really much to discuss here unless you flesh out the topic a little more. Your program told you it needs a specific environment variable to run, you set it, it runs. :man_shrugging:

If you want to better understand why it runs, or what the change you made actually does, read more and learn! Environment variables - ArchWiki