Snap - Unable to mount

Just to confirm @harbhim

Do you have pamac-all installed ?


yes librewish pamac-all installed.

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Which version of snapd do you have, and how did you install it?

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from snap site for arch linux but very first i tried to install from pamac, tried both snapd and snapd git.

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but jonathan keepass of snap isn't starting.

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Did you follow the steps from this page:


❯ sudo snap install hello-world
Warning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've not restarted your
     session since you installed snapd, try doing that. Please see for more details.

hello-world 6.4 from Canonical* installed

It give this error

and Installation steps gives this error.

Thank you harbhim for taking this up. I got lost on the first question. Pleased that you know what you are doing and trying to get this to work. I gave up and am currently installing KDE which apparently has access to snap automatically. Have not tried KDE for some years and it now appears to tick the boxes for me at least.


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OK, so if you followed the instructions from the above page to install snapd then you're using the AUR package and so things should work.

Did you try using the linux kernel rather than linux-zen? If not, could you do that?


just give me the steps to follow.

  1. Install the linux kernel package;
  2. Reboot into the linux kernel;
  3. Try again from the start - remove /snap, create the symlink, try installing again.

how to install linux kernal package?

You should also be installing the headers for any kernel you install.

I would think the command you are wanting is:

sudo pacman -S linux linux-headers

Wherever possible please try to check the Archwiki for information you require. I know the Archwiki can be very confusing for newcomers to Linux, but when using an Arch based distro it should always be your first stop (before posting a question).


Thank you @tgb for your suggestion. But as a beginner I only know the single line about Kernal that is "Kernal is software that is the link between the Hardware and other softwares of Operating System." And from now I will start to read Arch wiki.

❯export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
❯ hello-world
    cannot locate base snap core: No such file or directory

I'm sorry @harbhim & @kentuckylodge I won't be much help sorting issues with snaps. The main reason so many people love Arch and it's variants is because of the vast number of programs available in the AUR. I would rather use readily available programs built from the AUR.

To me Snaps are a massive waste of space and I'm simply philosophically opposed to using snaps. Personally, I would never use anything besides Thunderbird for my email as it is a great FOSS project that I have used for 17 years (and I have no plans on switching anytime soon).

So. best of luck with your issue, but I have zero knowledge on snaps configuration as I have never used snaps and likely never will.


Got to agree with tbg here, @harbhim: many people outright disable snaps because they can be a massive headache (as you've probably experienced yourself now) and AUR is one of the things that makes Arch-based distros so attractive. AUR is optimised for Arch-based distros, Snaps are not.


@zeno I completely agree with you, snaps have some problems size, loading time etc... But I also supports the common software platform for linux irrespective of what you are using i.e. Debian or Arch. If some one don't like snaps then they don't have to install it, fine. but some if some like to use snap then I think there should be option available to use snap. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, of course. I guess containerising "is the future" to a certain extent. I hope you're not thinking that I critised your choice, because that's not what I was going for... I was just pointing out that you're probably better off using AUR packages (if there is one for the application you want to use) since they are optimised for Arch anyway :sunglasses:


yes, @zeno I too prefers the official repo. packages but if you read some of forum articles some users using snaps and leaving the os just because of the softwares that they are using are not available in AUR. I remember that 1 user have issue that some printing software is available in snap and not in AUR thats why leaving distro. So I think he should be given an option to install snap.

And no brother, we are here to discuss what is best suited and what is not. Not for criticize each other. Just chill and enjoy. :partying_face: :partying_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

And n1ce PC configuration @zeno. RTX 2080 super and i7 9th gen.