Slow system after update

All you need is in garuda-assistant - settings.
Seems you mix something wrong.

It strikes me the Gnome power options are causing the problem, but I'm not sure how to disable them.

power-profile-daemon is the package shipped by the Garuda ISO and integrated with KDE and Gnome.

You can disable it rather than removing with
systemctl disable power-profiles-daemon


See also
So, it's not Gnome the problem, but for your system it looks like auto-cpufreq works better than power-profile-daemon, but only the latter is integrated with Gnome.
Not a big problem...

I believe this is where the error lies.

I’m not sure how to get this to work.

You need a parameter, like performance after that command.

I'm not even sure you need that step if you installed from chaotic-aur, i.e. from the AUR package basically.
Make sure you install the daemon.

Gnome power management was initially disabled when I got cpufreq working, but it now refuses to turn off.

 ╭─colin@garuda in ~ took 17ms
[🔴] × cd auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq

 ╭─colin@garuda in repo: auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq on  master via  v3.10.8 took 5ms
 ╰─λ sudo python3 --gnome_power_disable balanced
[sudo] password for colin:         

------------------------- auto-cpufreq: Power helper -------------------------

Install auto-cpufreq in performance mode by running:
sudo auto-cpufreq --install_performance

For full list of options run: python3 --help


 ╭─colin@garuda in repo: auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq on  master via  v3.10.8 as 🧙 took 12s
 ╰─λ python3 --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --gnome_power_disable [balanced|performance]
                                  Disable GNOME Power profiles service
                                  (default: balanced), reference:
  --gnome_power_enable            Enable GNOME Power profiles service
  --gnome_power_status            Get status of GNOME Power profiles service
  --bluetooth_boot_on             Turn on Bluetooth on boot
  --bluetooth_boot_off            Turn off Bluetooth on boot
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

 ╭─colin@garuda in repo: auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq on  master via  v3.10.8 as 🧙 took 1s
 ╰─λ sudo python3 --gnome_power_status

------------------------- auto-cpufreq: Power helper -------------------------

*** GNOME power profiles status**
**● power-profiles-daemon.service - Power Profiles daemon**
**     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/power-profiles-daemon.service; enabled; preset: disabled)**
**     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-12-06 20:40:43 GMT; 4min 52s ago**
**   Main PID: 601 (power-profiles-)**
**      Tasks: 3 (limit: 8725)**
**     Memory: 3.5M**
**        CPU: 216ms**
**     CGroup: /system.slice/power-profiles-daemon.service**
**             └─601 /usr/lib/power-profiles-daemon**

The following image shows Gnome still using its balanced power service:



sudo systemctl disable --now power-profile-daemon.service && sudo systemctl mask power-profile-daemon.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Anyway, check also the last comment in the AUR. It might be that with the last update it's necessary to use the configuration file. Not sure though...


Thanks for the info.

I gave the above a try but had no success:

sudo systemctl disable --now power-profile-daemon.service && sudo systemctl mask power-profile-daemon.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
[sudo] password for colin:         
Failed to disable unit: Unit file power-profile-daemon.service does not exist.

I've had a look around and found this problem has happened on previous occasions.

I don't want to blindly keep trying mods to resolve the issue.

I'll leave things as they are until the next kernel update.

If the problem still exists after this I'll switch to the lts kernel. Do you have any idea if this will cause problems?

Huh? Why is that?

This part of the documentation seems to imply otherwise:

The balance operation is cancellable by the user. The on-disk state of the filesystem is always consistent so an unexpected interruption (eg. system crash, reboot) does not corrupt the filesystem. The progress of the balance operation is temporarily stored as an internal state and will be resumed upon mount, unless the mount option skip_balance is specified.


I have been digging around all afternoon and I think I've now got an idea as to what has caused this 'problem', but I don't know how to solve it.

In previous posts I mention that my CPU is stuck at 400MHz, and when cpufreq was applied it briefly idled at 2100MHz when the laptop was plugged in.

This is the forum post that pointed me in the right direction:

I used snapper to revert my system to a pre cpufreq state as this conflicts with AMD's P State, and then I installed cpupower.

Here's the terminal output after its installation:

cpupower frequency-info
analyzing CPU 0:
  driver: amd-pstate
  CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
  CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
  maximum transition latency: 131 us
  hardware limits: 400 MHz - 4.06 GHz
  available cpufreq governors: conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance schedutil
  current policy: frequency should be within 400 MHz and 4.06 GHz.
                  The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
                  within this range.
  current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware
  current CPU frequency: 409 MHz (asserted by call to kernel)
  boost state support:
    Supported: yes
    Active: yes
    AMD PSTATE Highest Performance: 255. Maximum Frequency: 4.06 GHz.
    AMD PSTATE Nominal Performance: 132. Nominal Frequency: 2.10 GHz.
    AMD PSTATE Lowest Non-linear Performance: 70. Lowest Non-linear Frequency: 1.11 GHz.
    AMD PSTATE Lowest Performance: 26. Lowest Frequency: 400 MHz.

AMD PSTATE ... Lowest Frequency: 400 MHz & AMD PSTATE ... Nominal Frequency: 2.10 GHz.

Sounds familiar.

Is anyone familiar with setting AMD's P states?

The following gives an overview...

...but it's a bit over my head.

This was a discussion on the discord yesterday, posting it here to see if it helps people:

Unfortunately cpufreq doesn't work on my laptop, maybe because its using Gnome.

I have finally succeeded in getting things working with cpupower.

First, from this page...

...I went to /etc/default/grub and added initcall_blacklist=acpi_cpufreq_init to the document to avoid loading ACPI CPUFreq even if it's built-in.

I then rebooted, and in the terminal I entered sudo cpupower frequency-set -g conservative. When I checked the CPU speed with btop its frequency ranged from 400MHz at idle to >2GHz at work.

Hallelujah! :smile:

Here are all of the cpupower frequency-set options....

-d --min <FREQ>
    new minimum CPU frequency the governor may select. 
-u --max <FREQ>
    new maximum CPU frequency the governor may select. 
-g --governor <GOV>
    new cpufreq governor. 
-f --freq <FREQ>
    specific frequency to be set. Requires userspace governor to be available and loaded. 
-r --related
    modify all hardware-related CPUs at the same time

...and these are the available governors:

conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance schedutil

[Edit] The configuration file for cpupower is located in /etc/default/cpupower

I then set the governor to conservative....

# Define CPUs governor
# valid governors: ondemand, performance, powersave, conservative, userspace.

...and I got this to be set at startup using Stacer > Services > cpupower startup at boot.


Sorry if I was perpetuating a misconception. I had not checked on the documentation myself and was merely repeating what I’d read quite a few times in the past since adopting BTRFS.

I hate to be the one spreading FUD, so my bad. I had no idea what I’d read in the past was misinformation, (or perhaps it was true in the past, but no longer).

Thanks for the heads up, I will be sure to never insinuate disrupting a balance operation is dangerous in the future.


Maybe there is a good reason for people saying that, I just never had an issue doing it personally and the documentation seems to imply otherwise too. If someone knows more than me and the documentation, please let me know!


As a footnote, I'd like to thank @filo for the suggestions which ultimately helped to resolve this issue.


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