Should I delete plasma5-theme-sweet-full-git?

I like Garuda Linux being easy to set up, manage, and many other tools it has like the Assistants, except for its theme. So I edited it to my taste (if you want to see it: Imgur: The magic of the Internet). In short, I don’t really feel like I should keep the plasma5-theme-sweet-full-git around, but, many of its dependencies (see: garuda-dr460nized, ttf-firacode-nerd, plasma-applet-window-buttons) seem either crucial or fine to me. Yea, deletin’ garuda-dr460nized may be a bad decision, and I really like using the Window Buttons widget on my top panel, and I’m fine with my terminal font ttf-firacode-nerd. I thought about changing their installation reason from “[…] as a dependency” to “explicitly installed” on Octopi, so I did, but, I thought it could be a good idea to ask you guys before doing anything.

So, what do you think? Does deleting an “explicitly installed” package do any harm?

Edit: What does garuda-dr460nized exactly do? It seems it still should be deleted together with plasma5-themes-sweet-kde-git and plasma5-themes-sweet-full-git.

I advise you not to remove plasma5-themes-sweet-full-git. Because as you have correctly recognized, you would also have to remove garuda-dr460nized with all other dependencies.
If you still want to try, take a look here:

Another option would be to install “Garuda Linux KDE lite” and then only change/add what you want.

This does nothing, it only changes the installation reason and not the dependencies. If worst comes to worst, you will brick your system.


Thank you, that nails it. So, they’re really necessary as I thought. Though, I don’t really care about a few spaces on my disk enough to mind it so much that I’ll go into distro hopping. :slightly_smiling_face:

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