Should I be able to use this mouse in Garuda? (10 button rebranded victsing mouse)

Should I be able to use this mouse in Garuda? (10 button rebranded victsing mouse)

i want to configure the buttons and use them with my games. it includes software but it's for windows it seems.

The short answer is yes. Almost any hardware can be configured for use with Linux if you are willing to research what you are doing and put in the time hacking around in config files to get it to work how you want it. There is currently great progress being made on getting Linux running on M1 hardware, so...yes, I think you can get your mouse to work.

If you read through this article, it might help give you an idea what kind of work may be involved in this kind of effort: Mouse buttons - ArchWiki

I also know there are GUI programs specifically made for ensuring this kind of device works properly on Linux. I'm sure you could find out about a few with a well-constructed web search.


I personally use input-remapper-git from the chaotic-aur to remap extra mouse buttons. Works great.


Most probably, yes. It should be detected and working out of box.

Most probably, you won’t need it because it should built in kernel.

Otherwise, other mouses of same company are Linux compatible. You can easily return and by other, I guess.

Here are 2 cool packages from AUR