A little something different.
Openbox -> Jgmenu -> Tint2
and nwgocc by @nwg
Yet to make garuda as daily runner. [ still playing in VM on the other computer] till then thought i will share my learning curve with other distros [in VM].
Host: Manjaro [gnome-wayland] Guest: Slackware [Plasma-wayland]
Konsole [slackware] + Terminator [Manjaro] displaying neofetch info. conky config from fedora, which i tweaked to manjaro [font-logos] and bottom most spotify-now-playing info which is currently not playing.
I switched Garuda D0r4g0niz3d to Archlabs yesterday,
And today I switched back to Garuda D0r4g0niz3d again. (and I customized desktop little bit neatly).
Garuda's btrfs system, kernel, Timeshift, and package settings are all sophisticated.
I will never flirt with other distros again
You're allowed to flirt, just don't get caught spending the weekend with a fling. That tends to create major issues.
How did you like their installer?
It's an easy way to install ArchLinux.
The Installer is constructed with text. (like Kali Linux installer)
The installer makes it easier to create partitions, filesystem, mount, fstab, selecting filesystem, Kernel, DE, bootloader, pre-install apps, etc.
I felt that Archlabs is an excellent installer for ArchLinux.
But it was nothing more, nothing less.
This impression may be because I select the KDE environment.
Their Recommend DE is Openbox, so if you choose Openbox environment, the impression may be changed.
I hope this is helpful for you.
I'll take care of that, sir
I really enjoy everyones terminal decked out with the powerline-fonts or p10 configured - I have yet to get my terminal to look nice - part of the problem is that @dr460nf1r3 has made it look so great out of the box that it makes me not want to explore my options LOL
This could replase the confusing download links i mean there are a bunch and it is confusing.
More playing with VM. now with ghostBSD sharing my experience, with a great installer [i did have tobuild the qxl driver for VM, other than that everything works and rocks]
Host running DWM [top status shown is DWM]
Oh, absolutely you will ... and you should. Visit the showrooms & kick all the tires.