Rofi Deprecation Error

I'm currently running the latest possible version of Garuda BSPWM and upon using Super+D to search and run a program, I was met with this error (I apologize for any mistakes as I had to type this by hand):

The following errors were detected when starting rofi:

/home/ca/.config/rofi/config.rasi:5:31: The option:

theme: "~config/rofi/desert.rasi";
is deprecated. Please replace with @theme "~/.config/rofi/desert.rasi" after the configuration block.

I've searched tirelessly for any solution to this online but I've returned no results. I've looked in these files and no lines of this sort have turned up either.
Thank you for any possible support.

Hi there, welcome.
This is the file.

And here you can see how to change It.
@theme after the configuration block.


Thanks, not sure how I didn’t figure this out!

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I just pushed the fix for this issue, so consider this solved in future releases :slight_smile:


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