Reinstall all Nvidia GPU drivers?

sudo sed -i 's/MODULES=.*/MODULES=()/g' /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sudo mkinitcpio -P
sudo modprobe -a nvidia
lsmod | grep nvidia

I'm supposed to run it and send the output?

I don’t have the command Smod. Everything else seemed to not have any errors.

Edited. Please run that one single command again for me, will ya?

[root@Mathias-Linux modprobe.d]# lsmod | grep nvidia
nvidia_uvm           2539520  0
nvidia_drm             73728  4
nvidia_modeset       1204224  6 nvidia_drm
nvidia              35393536  211 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset
[root@Mathias-Linux modprobe.d]#

There. Reboot your device and you should now have your screen back. And now please do me a favor and never touch anything driver related again, last you will end up with 7 nvidia drivers installed somehow.
Please mark this as the solution if it ends up working.

Yea I'll try to reboot it and see if it works.

Thanks alot so far!

It works!!! I'll take your advice and not touch GPU drivers in Linux again.

But still, Thanks you so much! You can't believe the amount of stress I had thinking I had killed a GPU.

Thank you.

I wasn’t saying that! Just not on this install. As long as it works it works.

Yea... I'll admit I misinterpreted that.

Next time I'm going to install drivers, I'll ask for help somewhere.

But still, Thank you.

In the future make sure you're picking the correct driver for your card and you could try Frogging Family drivers. They are my go-to for NVidia drivers and worked as well as NVidia drivers can on Linux.

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