Random Play/Pause/volume changes

I admit I haven't used either of those packages but

  1. sndio is kinda old
  2. If it was needed wouldn't it be mentioned as a dependency? I don't see it listed as one here


Repository      : community
Name            : smplayer
Version         : 22.7.0-2
Description     : Media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://www.smplayer.info/
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : glibc  qt5-base  mpv  libx11  zlib  gcc-libs  hicolor-icon-theme
Optional Deps   : smplayer-themes: icon themes collection
smplayer-skins: skin themes collection
youtube-dl: youtube videos and streaming
yt-dlp: youtube videos and streaming
mplayer: alternative multimedia engine
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 3.41 MiB
Installed Size  : 15.25 MiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Monday 21 November 2022 01:03:48 PM
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature


Repository      : community
Name            : mpv
Version         : 1:0.35.1-6
Description     : a free, open source, and cross-platform media player
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://mpv.io/
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : libmpv.so=2-64
Depends On      : alsa-lib  libasound.so=2-64  desktop-file-utils  ffmpeg  libavcodec.so=60-64
libavdevice.so=60-64  libavfilter.so=9-64  libavformat.so=60-64  libavutil.so=58-64
libswresample.so=4-64  libswscale.so=7-64  glibc  hicolor-icon-theme  jack  libjack.so=0-64
lcms2  liblcms2.so=2-64  libarchive  libarchive.so=13-64  libass  libass.so=9-64  libbluray
libbluray.so=2-64  libcdio  libcdio-paranoia  libdrm  libdvdnav  libdvdread  libegl  libgl
libglvnd  libjpeg  libjpeg.so=8-64  libplacebo  libplacebo.so=229-64  libpulse
libpulse.so=0-64  libva  libva.so=2-64  libva-drm.so=2-64  libva-wayland.so=2-64
libva-x11.so=2-64  libvdpau  libx11  libxext  libxinerama  libxkbcommon
libxkbcommon.so=0-64  libxpresent  libxrandr  libxss  libxv  luajit  mesa  mujs
libpipewire  rubberband  librubberband.so=2-64  shaderc  libshaderc_shared.so=1-64
uchardet  vulkan-icd-loader  wayland  zlib
Optional Deps   : yt-dlp: for video-sharing websites playback
youtube-dl: for video-sharing websites playback
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 1676.83 KiB
Installed Size  : 6235.98 KiB
Packager        : Robin Candau <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Friday 21 April 2023 12:41:25 PM
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

that being said you know better about the software you use

1 Like

Probably some chain dependency. If mpv has a component that requires it, then smplayer requires it too.

just perform a

pacman -Qi sndio

If sndio was installed as a dependency to some package it will be listed in the Required by: section in the output.
Besides if removing sndio truly does hamper mpv and smplayer you can always just reinstall it with

sudo pacman -S sndio

and it will reinstall the package from the local cache you won't even lose your data bytes trying to redownload anything.
or if it's a chain dependency and removing sndio tries to remove mpv or smplayer you can always just cancel the transaction.

Required by mpv-full. You really think this could be the problem? Could give that a try but I have my doubts

You can search the forum there have been several posts where people were having trouble with audio/video because they decided to use something other than pipewire in garuda. Besides you can always just reinstall and pacman will pick the package from local package cache directory and you won't even lose your internet data trying to redownload.

Just remember to reinstall pipewire after removing sndio following the instructions in the post I attached before.

Ps: Don't use octopi or some other GUI to perform these actions use the commands I gave.


Interesting, when reinstalling pipewire, I get this message

pipewire-media-session and wireplumber are in conflict. Remove wireplumber?
removing wireplumber breaks dependency 'wireplumber' required by pipewire-support

Uninstalling pipewire-support. Now it works.

It takes time for the problem to occur, will report back if it happens again. Rebooting...

EDIT: doing that broke my audio, now all I get is high-pitch random noise in my laptop's speakers instead of any playback.

(There is another issue where that random noise occurs during startup or when opening audio settings with xanmod kernel, but everything else works perfectly fine)

Reinstall pipewire support

sudo pacman -S pipewire-support

It will ask to remove pipewire-media-session do it.
Following this enable the three pipewire services

systemctl enable --user pipewire
systemctl enable --user pipewire-pulse
systemctl enable --user wireplumber

Following this the restart

systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber

Sorry the fault here lies with me I should have checked the article was asking to reinstall the deprecated session manager. I am really sorry about that. I had picked the article from a recent thread that solved a similar issue. I should have read it more carefully before providing it to you.


Strangely, since the last attempt and system rollback, I haven't seen the problem again yet. I even restored ckb-next service.

Will update if I see it happening again.