Radeon 6700xt performance issues on garuda after switching from 1080 cont

WOW so you must have frequent power outages?
I have 6,137 Power On Hours and 41 unsafe shutdowns, you already have 100 unsafe shutdowns in the first 589 Power On Hours. That’s not very good.

Now the part under that is directly related:

Media and Data Integrity Errors: 2

That is often a bad thing. It means that it was unable to finish writing something from the disk’s cache to disk. The direct implication is usually that there is lost data. It may not be data that you care about, like something logging that it’s about to shutdown, but it could have been important files.

You can try to avoid this in the future by doing a sync before shutting down. I have an ugly alias for this which is useful, especially for slow flash storage you want to remove safely: alias watchsync='watch -n 1 grep -e Dirty: -e Writeback: /proc/meminfo The issue with relying on sync alone is that the disk controller will do it’s own thing with the cache on a controller level (especially NVMe that relies on cache for speed), and unless you’ve got an enterprise disk that has capacitors on board for reserve power, the power loss will equal data loss for things that have not moved from volatile (cache) to non-volatile storage. You might wonder why we have the ability to lose data so easily, it’s because it’s so much faster to use volatile storage this way. As you can see in that link, it’s a bad idea to turn off your volatile write cache, so your best bet is to sync before shutdowns if you’ve just committed a significant amount of data to disk, and hope the write cache properly flushes before you reach a shutdown state.

This is a good result, but it’s preferred to use Garuda’s PrivateBin for sharing pastes :slight_smile:

The next step is probably using btrfs-scrub, and lucky for us dalto made btrfs assistant and it’s installed by default, though you might want btrfs-assistant-git. I would prefer that someone with more experience than myself confirmmed that scrubbing is a good next step before you spend time doing it. It should be safe to do, moreso considering the check you did came out clean, but please don’t just take my word for it.

Maybe try Rocky / PopOS / MX as well?