Question Regarding Communities

I use Endeavour OS which is based on Arch . Garuda is also based on arch .
Although I would like to keep it to the different communities mostly.

But can I ask for help related to my distro here , the ones NOT related to distro specific packages on this forum , sometimes ?

Idk why I m asking this although the answer most likely would be a NO .

If you need help with EndeavourOS you should ask over there. Not only is it more technically “correct”, but the EOS forum has way more forum helpers than we do.


It doesn’t matter whether @dalto or @BluishHumility here or there answers you.


We are not a general Linux help forum, our small team should take care of Garuda.
This does not mean that there is no help or that you are not allowed to ask such questions.
But I always ask people to look for solutions on the Internet first. Most of the problems have already been solved there.


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