Pure Off Topic ๐Ÿ˜Š

For the time being, everything that did not fit the theme where it was published goes here.

@SGS I need the Chrystal ball for something where is it?

How the Garuda servers look like :wink:

Hello! I'am newbie. How can upload and splashscreen of kde plasma? Is based on dr460nized.
I do not cant upload image too.

In my gitlab, IIRC.

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Link? please.

Sorry, wrong emoji :upside_down_face:

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Currently, on vacation :frowning:

Sorry, forum software security feature, new users can not spam/post pictures in the forum and


Take a look around, introduce yourself, and soon youโ€™ll be able to get your splashscreen here or at Showcase upload.


I need the image

Iam spanish and my english is very poor.
I using GNU/Linux from year 2000 and this month check Garuda games and I'm loving it.



What happened to off topic chit chat @SGS

Maybe it became 'on-topic' too much (lol).


Please refrain from personally pinging the devs of the distro by using the @ feature of the discourse forum software.

It is also considered as being presumptuous and rude to personally ping the distros devs or forum support staff. If the devs are not too busy working on the project, they will respond to your inquiry without resorting to annoying them with personal pings.

Please refrain from this practice unless it is an issue of utmost urgency involving a serious distro related bug.

This is a text module that makes my work easier :slight_smile:

cntl c cntl v

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No way, thats illegal here :eyes:


Thats just every forum in a nutshell

I believe the magic crystal ball had to be sent out for repairs to a small shop in Romania that deals with Gypsy antiquities. We'll be sure to post a pic of it when it's back from repair (but as our MCB is currently broken we have no way of predicting when this will be).


I guess that's what first donations will be spent for :joy:


OK, whoโ€™s up for 10,000 pings to @ SGS?


Hey @ SGS, if you donโ€™t mind me asking, what is this magic crystal ball, and why is it not yet in a Garuda wallpaper?
(only if you feel like answering :wink: )