I’m on latest nvidia-beta-dkms driver and my cpu is i5-8265u.
Issue →
So I’m having performance issues in Zen-Browser but only on KDE (both X11 and Wayland), I’m using 115% scaling. On gnome and hyprland I’m using default scaling.
And on gnome it works perfectly fine and on hyprland too. I’m not using some crazy css in browser, I’m using it as stock, I tried changing gtk themes just to see if it was messing with gtk app but no luck.
Error message →
Also this is the error I get when I run it through terminal. There’s theme parsing error but it’s too long to type and I can’t upload image for some reason.
failed to create /home for shader cache (permission denied)
Hi there, welcome to the forum.
If your performance issue is specific to the Zen browser, you should try to get support from the upstream site, e.g. searching in their issue list or entering a new issue:
Zen is not our default browser and we cannot afford to support applications which are not pure Garuda stuff.
I’m not really sure if the error message is related to your performance issue, but you could check here:
or, since Zen is based on Firefox, here:
For Garuda specific issues, please always provide your detailed specs, with the output of