Paypal Donation did not work

I was on the donation website and want use paypal but it gave me this error.

check forum for it too.

dont have stripe account…

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There are PP too, at least I can give you my PP address :smiley: .

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there is missing logo maybe the butterfly or those garuda logo maybe? (FireDragon and Brave Browser actually used)

last one:

We know, I think there was no logo for this web part, but Nico ist bulding a new web page too, so … we do not fix it. :wink:


will try this first .thank you very much @SGS =)

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Ich habe nichts mit den Finanzen zu tun, macht alles Nico.

Mein PP wäre dann erstmal nur eine Notlösung. :grin:

I have nothing to do with the finances, Nico does everything.

My PP would only be a stopgap solution for now. :grin:

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Ich danke dir fur den link.Ich muss erstmal ein Acoount machen und sehen ob es geht.=)

Falls nicht komme ich auf dich zuruck oder Nico.

Super das ich wahlen kann welche Option oder Plan =)

i thank you for the link. i have to do an account first at all.
If not i will reply to you or Nico.
Nice to have the payment option to chose a plan.

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it works :slight_smile:

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