Packet tracer

find /opt/packettracer -name qt.conf

Uh, so it was thereā€¦ LOL I deleted the comment thinking I was on a false track.
OK post the contents of qt.conf.

cat qt.conf

File: qt.conf
Prefix = ./
Libraries = ./
WindowsArguments = altgr

A shot in the dark: edit qt.conf and add Data = /usr/share/qt/ below [Paths].
If it does not work delete the line (revert the file as it was before, that is).

It doesnā€™t work says the same thing

Starting Packet Tracer 8.2.1
Fatal: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, xcb.

/usr/bin/packettracer lĆ­nia 8: 34811 Avortat                 (s'ha bolcat la memĆ²ria)./PacketTracer "$@"

Back to square one it seems.
You are still in the same shell where you set the variable before, right?
echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH prints something?

It dosnā€™t show anything

set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms
again then run it.
Weā€™ll make that permanent later.

Itā€™s the same result doesnā€™t say anything

I donā€™t understand, what does not say anything?

set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms

should either print errors or finally work

Anyways, the line I told you to add is likely wrong.
Try with Resources = /usr/share/qt/resources/ instead.

Iā€™ll be back later (dinner).

 ā•­ā”€confusedyeti@confusedyeti in /opt/packettracer/binšŸ”’ as šŸ§™ took 48s
 ā•°ā”€Ī» packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 8.2.1
Fatal: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, xcb.

/usr/bin/packettracer lĆ­nia 8:  3703 Avortat                 (s'ha bolcat la memĆ²ria)./PacketTracer "$@"

 ā•­ā”€confusedyeti@confusedyeti in /opt/packettracer/binšŸ”’ as šŸ§™ took 164ms
 ā•°ā”€Ī» set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms

 ā•­ā”€confusedyeti@confusedyeti in /opt/packettracer/binšŸ”’ as šŸ§™
 ā•°ā”€Ī» packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 8.2.1
Fatal: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, xcb.

/usr/bin/packettracer lĆ­nia 8:  3871 Avortat                 (s'ha bolcat la memĆ²ria)./PacketTracer "$@"

And Iā€™ve already change the resources

Thank for the help until now, tomorrow morning Iā€™ll continue searching and answer, but i donā€™t Iā€™ll be able to try anything until 15:00.

Iā€™ve also tried this:

Sounds like editing qt.conf did not do any good, at least before the ā€œQt platform pluginā€ error was gone. Iā€™m out of ideas at this point. See you tomorrow then.

Sounds like a Wayland issue:

If you must have this app installed and working for school, you may need to install a desktop supporting X11.

Just a cursory search on my part so itā€™s hard to say.


Sorry upon first glace, I thought the report was from Sept this year. I now see it was reported in 2022, so itā€™s not exactly a current report.


OK I found a supposed fix. It is for Fedora, but it sounds like it addresses exactly the same issue. I do not have packet tracer installed so I do not know if the solution works with Arch, (or if it requires some modification to work).


For anyone new to Linux (like me) wondering how and where to add the --no-sandbox args, these were the steps I took, Iā€™m fairly new to Linux so I was scratching my head trying to figure it out, so bear with me:

Run these on a Terminal:

  1. sudo nano /usr/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop
  2. search for the line that says Exec=/opt/pt/packettracer and add --no-sandbox args to the end of it. The whole line should say Exec=/opt/pt/packettracer --no-sandbox args.
  3. press ctrl+o and enter to save
  4. press ctrl+x to exit
  5. I repeated the same steps mentioned above for the file /usr/share/applications/cisco-ptsa.desktop just to be sure.

At this point the files are ready, but you still need to re-run the xdg-menu scripts

Run these on a Terminal:

  1. sudo xdg-desktop-menu install /usr/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop
  2. sudo xdg-desktop-menu install /usr/share/applications/cisco-ptsa.desktop
  3. sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
  4. sudo gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/gnome
  5. sudo xdg-mime default cisco-ptsa.desktop x-scheme-handler/pttp
  6. sudo ln -sf /opt/pt/PacketTracer /usr/local/bin/PacketTracer

I just re-ran all of them because Iā€™m not exactly sure which ones are needed lol, I logged out and Packet Tracer is working normally and I was able to log in with my Cisco credentials.


You downloaded the packettracer.tar.gz snapshot from AUR (en) - packettracer, extracted the PKGBUILD, then ran makepkg -si in a terminal in that directory, right? Thatā€™s all that should have been needed, no additional steps unless the build process called for it, right?

Is that the exact process you followed?

Launch the program using one of the environment variables it has identified as valid.

QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb packettracer

Bonus content:

If you want to make a .desktop file for it (so you can start the program with your launcher), you can set it up as described here:

Copy the desktop file right out of the directory where you cloned the repo, and put it in ~/.local/share/applications:

cp cisco-pt.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

Edit the file.

micro ~/.local/share/applications/cisco-pt.desktop

Add env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb after Exec=, before the call to the binary. It should look like this when you are done:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb /opt/packettracer/packettracer %f
Name=Packet Tracer 8.2.1

Save and exit the file, then you should be able to start the application from your launcher if you want to.


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