Off Topic Chit Chat - (Silliness factor 5)

Are we talking the State or the band? Only one of those should be downed by being mentioned as ‘flat’ :grin:

I can’t recall the post that brought this into the convo, so please ignore any irrelevance…

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#My friend talking about how he installed ubuntu linux and talking about sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade (because he only knows that much )

Frustrated Me (who is listening about his shit and fictions made by him that he is a hacker for two hours): ok so do you know super hacking command to hack any pc in a minute

He : No. But I will hack you one day so be ready

Me : try to run

sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

#after this insident he never tried to call me and now I am living peacefully :joy:


I have no recollection of this discussion(?) having scrolled back a ways, but there is no way I’m going to read all 1040+ posts.

@haakoth, if you are going to chastise someone about a post involving me, @freebird54, you, and Kansas, please have the courtesy to explain to @freebird54 and I what and where the exact post is.

BUT…if it was, perhaps involving my Kansas nativity, I can say only this: “The best people come from Kansas. I say from, because they made the decision to venture out into the big, bad world and discovered that there were opinions other than what was found in ultra-conservative, redder than hell Kansas. And some of them made a lot of sense.”

The last thing a fish discovers is water, right?

But I also have this to say: “When a country, a nation, a state, or a (rational) human being, make laws and rules of governance that work well within that society, that society should be left alone–even helped–to pursue them.”

Freedom works both ways.

Well @Bro, there was some drink involved, and word choice apparently. Humor was the goal, apologize for the failure.

@freebird54 the state

And I must confess, in later posts (#820 and #822 which I missed) you confirmed that you were from Kansas. As you just stated:

This is so true, as I am a native son, but no longer live there…though I did come back pretty close after 30 yrs away.

So with foot in mouth, I will humbly fade into the background noise… :face_with_head_bandage:

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Har har har! Har har har har! You gave me my jollies for the day. :smiley:

Best regards from a Dodge City boy.

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And to you from a Hutchinson boy :saluting_face:

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OMG, we're damn near across-the-fence neighbors. :wink:

(For those unfamiliar with that term, it means that two adjacent farm families often have stronger bonds than with their absent relatives. They grow to rely on each other for many things, including surviving rotten Kansas winters.)

I remember a family reunion where my brother's ex-wife showed up. Not because she had been married to him, but because her distant-past farm family had been distant-past such neighbors with mine. And we never knew it 'til then. He was a bit shocked. Hee hee hee.


"When you think that you are useless then think that someone is working on an update on internet explorer "
This was the thing in the past that had always kept me motivated.
Does someone have a new motivation ?

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a curious classmate : hey bro you are now totally changed.
me : how
he : you were at last year barely able to pass in all subjects but now yow got highest marks in all sections how did you do that ?
me : once I tried to install Gentoo on a VM .
he : So, did you got success in it ?
me : no.
he : so why did you told me this .
me : because it taught me how to keep patience .


You should start a new thread for that issue...


what is a computer

For normal people : it is an advance smart machine through which you can do your work much faster and can get easy lifestyle :smiley:

For programmers : It is a dumb machine which doesn't understand anything other than zeros and ones :rage:


A loop story

friend : Bro my computer is not working
me : start using linux
friend : Bro I got bad marks in my test
me : start using linux
friend : Bro I got corona :cry:
me : start using linux
friend : Bro my house is on fire :sob:
me : start using linux
friend : Bro I got breakup with my GF
me : start using linux
friend : Ok stop it now :rage: , I will try linux

#The next day ......

some other person : Bro my computer is not working
my friend : start using linux
other person : Bro i got bad marks in my test .
my friend : start using linux
#and the loop continues


If “they” need to ask that, then “they” need to stay away from them. And Linux.

Yeah, the old “10 kinds of people joke,” right? :wink:



Yeah you can say it… :wink: , But I didn’t knew that there is already an old joke about it :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it has been around as long as there have been computers and programmer monkeys. I don't really care for the phrase and I've seen it posted in several IT rooms. It makes fun of those that don't understand binary, and they don't even know it. :wink:

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@Bro new toy.


When a fellow achieves that age, there's nothing left to live for.
I guess. :person_shrugging:


On the other hand, this morning provides proof that "third time's a charm" may be more truthful than not. The goal was to get our young semi-feral tomcat crated so that he may be transported to the spay & neuter place to get 'em dangly things chopped off.

The first attempt, the briefest, reminded me why young cats are fast. In two seconds my left hand and arm & right arm were a bloody mess. The back of my left hand lost meat from it. Round One goes to Rocket (his given name). It was over a month until the clinic's next opening and it took that amount of time to heal my wounds enough to make a second attempt.

Second attempt came closer and ended up with nobody wounded. Or crated. But it ended with Rocky squalling his head off in perceived pain and Rocky's adopted older brother, Radical (not my naming), decided I was not going to hurt his little buddy any further and faced me down. I mean it; he gave me a look I've only seen on TV on African lions' faces when they're about to charge. I backed up--did not pursue Rocket any further--sat down, and calmly told Radical I was not going any further. I've never felt truly threatened by a cat before then, not in over 60 years, anyway.

Third time was easy. This time we stood a larger crate end-up near by my desk and kept it open for about a week so he had time to become used to its placement. This was several months since the first incident and he was still wary, but trusting--the fool. He was laying on the floor near my desk chair, purring and all winky-eyed as I was petting him. Then in one short, quick grab I had him by the nape, ass-end in the crate and the crate door bolted. I've never felt such a sense of accomplishment. At outwitting a 7-pound creature.

My wife and I are taking him for a 25 minute bus trip to the vet clinic in 3 hours and 13 minutes from this post. I hope we make it.

EDIT: We made it! He's gonna have a nice nap, wake up a littler lighter, and will be glad to be home tomorrow A.M. He's also getting all the vaccinations, chipping, etc. There's no way he'll fall for this again. :cat:


Maybe nothing to live for - but more likely it takes more serious thrills to tickle the risk-taker in him! Given a dry lake bed you might be surprised at how I'll drive!

I have a lfetime, over 2 million mile accident free record on 2 wheels through 26 (mainly 18) - including on racetracks!
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I feel your pain - vicariously! One useful thing about being Canadian - we have old hockey gloves lying around for tasks like that! :grin: Not even a feline can get through those quickly enough!