New to Garuda linux (recommend some apps for me)

i only had garuda linux 2 days, im completely new to linux i used to use windows. im trying to learn the operating system for something to do in spare time. any recommendations for useful apps (utlities, music, streaming, etc)?


Inkscape. Vector art/graphs/icons. Really fun, not too hard to learn.


Hi @killinnocence and welcome to the community !, you can pick and chose apps from the setup assistant (in garuda-welcome) , there is everything you should need and multiple options for the same need (eg , Office : wps office , only office etc…)

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thank you i used the assistant it was really helpful

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cool thank you ill check it out

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Thunderbird, a fast, powerful and secure email client!
Protonvpn, a freemium VPN
Audacious, a great music player

There are a lot of great apps . I’d suggest you to look up on internet for them. Sites like GeeksforGeeks, It’s FOSS, etc. have provided a list for most types of apps! :wink:

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thank you this is helpful. so garuda is an arch base? i wasnt sure of which one it was its a little confusing. but im determined to learn

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thank you ill check them out

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Garuda is Arch-based. So a big list is provided here:
And if you want to learn Linux, the Arch Wiki in general is a Swiss knife :slight_smile:


yeah that has been a huge help. i wasnt sure what somethings were. i was watching alot of youtube tutorials. i managed to set up a startup sound with the terminal. i was pretty happy it worked

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Try and keep forcing yourself to use Terminal more for things like installing apps, updating system, etc. Obviously there are GUI alternatives for everything, but Terminal is way faster (and reliable) in most cases!

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definitely will do, im reading over the wiki, i was really good with windows and i figured linux would be challenging to learn

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I liken it more to a Rabbit Hole. I mean, look how many links in the Wiki you can follow to infinity (and beyond). :rabbit: :hole:


And of course, the “man” pages, should always be the starting point to everything in the Linux world!
Welcome again!


I’d first install Octopi app store, you can find most apps there.

i got octopui thank you man

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A few I could not live without;

AudioTube - Free Youtube Premium streaming music and also a music player
Lutris - Game installer with runners to install everything needed for the games.
FreeTube - Youtube videos without the spying and tracking from Google.
Android Messages - android text on your computer
Liftoff - Lemmy social media (reddit alternative)
Bauh - app store finder/installer from all the sources; Arch/AUR/Flatpak/Snap/Web/Appimages, you choose what to include.
McComix - comicbook viewer
Calibre - ebook everything, viewer/database/converter
Foliate - slick reader for ebooks
Kasts - KDE podcast player/finder
Syncthing - keeps all your files/pictures/whatever synced across all your devices via your lan/wifi, couldn’t live without it.
Handbrake - change video formats/sizes, etc. Great video coding tool.
Losslesscut - Want to get that 14gig movie onto a limited size requirement USB drive? Losslesscut will cut videos into appropriate size files.
xsnow - app in AUR to create snow and other holiday effects on screen…just fun.


Garuda newb here also! Two useful apps that I don’t see mentioned:

  1. An app to burn an iso to USB. “Popsicle” is my current favorite, but trying out “Ventoy” is on my todo list.

  2. I’m a long time GIMP fan. But getting a 4K monitor has meant that the toolbox icons are ridiculously tiny, even at the Huge setting. The GIMP development version (currently 2.99.16 has fixed this longstanding issue.

Hope this helps!


Ventoy saved my butt a few times during the late hours when one shouldn’t be messing with GRUB or boot configurations of the machine.

Quickly became my favorite tool.