Network Animator and Network Simulator installation script

Hi everyone,
So, today, I had to install Network Simulator ( or ns ) version 2 along with Network Animator on Garuda Linux, for my college.

But Network Animator AUR package is broken, for 2 years or more. But some guy ( @ EasternArcher ) posted a workaround on the AUR package to fix this. See

As these are used in many many colleges in India as well as abroad for teaching Networking in Computer Engineering course, I decided to make a script, for easy installation of these software. See

This script is made only for Arch Linux and Arch Linux based distros.

Install Network Animator and Network Simulator on Garuda Linux

for installation on Garuda Linux, just run commands

  1. For downloading script
curl -L -O
  1. Unpacking it and changing terminal path to the extracted folder
unzip && cd ns-2-install-main
  1. Running the installation script
sh ./

This will install the software, and run it using a sample tcl file, and open NAM console, like

as well as sample output


For any query / suggestions, please feel free to contact me here or create issue at above github link.

Have A Good Day!


The only thing your scrpit does is to use the existing PKGBUILDs and apply a simple workaround. The workaround would be ideally applied in the PKGBUILD itself. You should try to contact the maintainer to add this workaround or make an orphan request so you can make the change yourself.