and i like to move the conky to the top right corner and try other Styles.
ive installed with sudo pacman -S conky a while ago already.
i dint have a ~/.config/conky/ Folder or files existing. (ive created that Folder for testing)
i also watched arround on [quote="SGS, post:2, topic:1624"] Garuda has conky file in /etc/skel/.config IIRC. [/quote]
ive downloaded some conky.conf and replaced but it isnt work.
Is it X11 related and Wayland issue?
other link
had same solved issue multi conky windows on safed session on reboot.
Its late now so i really dont want search arround and trying may you can give me some tipps.
i found a file named conky.conf in this folder /usr/share/doc/conky1-.22.0 as the template.
i copy and paste the file written inside to my created conky.conf in $/.config/conky/conky.conf and restart it. It works back on again because other config files didnt work and causes error in the Terminal.
i chanced the Top-Left to the Top-Right and after shortcut crtl+s the conky window reload instantly to the top right Corner like i wanted. (also font size worked too.)
So IT works now.
I have to figure out how get some styles running.
I also guess not every given conf file on github will work?