when i try to send you error screenshot it shows sorry the new user can not post the image or video .
my error is my dock got shrink on every time when i on the pc then i delete the dock and reapply it then it got fix but i have to do this on every time when i start my pc
Can you provide your
as per ther forum template
And that just happened?
You didn’t change the settings?
The dock works wonderfully here and I update the system every day.
Try the garuda-assistant, restore, everything.
We don’t need pictures of the desktop with nothing on it.
Since my dock automatically disappears when I don’t need it, I could take the desktop screenshot and it wouldn’t be visible either.
Try first dock settings and set it to, visible always.
Maybe we have a translation problem.
There is a good chance that your issue is the same Qt bug in Wayland that can effect the Icons-only Task Manager that I’ve heard about before:
Depending how you have your dock set up, you could run into issues. Since this is Qt related bug that only effects Wayland that I am thinking it is, you can try in an X11 session from the login screen and see if it still persists for you. If it works fine in X11 but not Wayland, it is most likely the same bug I am thinking.
it wont work can you please contact me on telegram my telegram user tag is
what was that how can i give it to you can you please assist it to me
Sorry, no.
You do not read the template
- After rebooting, post the FULL output of
in the body of the post (not linked externally, or collapsed with the “hide details” feature)
- Format terminal output (including your
) as a code block by clicking the preformatted text button (</>) , or put three tildes (~) above and below the text
And did you change to X11
Please, tell exactly what you did, we try to help, but we do not feed with spoon.
now give me solution i install garuda os twice in a week but my problem of dock and os not working properly while on raising from sleep mode