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That’s why we use garuda btw. :sunglasses: Thanks for maintaining this cool distro. :saluting_face:


I'm not a maintainer, I'm simply an old guy who tries to contribute by helping out on the forum when I have the time. Unfortunately, this year I've been too busy to be around the forum as much as I have been in the past. Fortunately, many others have stepped forward to help out with the Garuda project of late, so there's a lot more great volunteers now than when the project first got underway.


Well. It is what Apple has done for years and is also already long-established in Containerdistros like Intel's Clear Linux with swupd (or Fedora Silverblue or Suse's what's-it-called).

And... I mean, Ubuntu is not really a distro that aims at experienced users.

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Children's data collected : $20 million fine for Microsoft

06/06/2023 08:50 PM

When gambling on the Xbox, children have to log in - but Microsoft collected this data without the parents' consent. That is why the company is now being asked to pay up in the USA.

Because Microsoft illegally collected data from children, the company will pay a fine of 20 million dollars. This was announced by the US competition authority Federal Trade Commission (FTC). According to the FTC, the settlement must still be approved by a federal court before it can take effect.
Microsoft allegedly collected data with Xbox

The agency accuses Microsoft of collecting data from children when they registered for the Xbox video game console without notifying their parents or obtaining their consent.

In doing so, Microsoft violated the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, a law designed to protect children's privacy on the Internet, the FTC argued.

... On protecting personal information online.

Age verification systems to be improved

The company announced plans to improve its age verification systems and ensure that parents are involved in the creation of children's accounts.

This will focus on improving age verification technology and educating children and parents about privacy issues, Dave McCarthy, corporate vice president for Xbox at Microsoft, explained in a blog post.
Technical glitch discovered

McCarthy also said the company had discovered and fixed a technical glitch that had caused some children's accounts not to be deleted, contrary to Microsoft's official policy.

The policy was not to store data for more than 14 days if the creation process was not completed. This was to allow players to continue the account creation process from where it left off.
Source: AP Verstoß gegen Datenschutz bei Kindern: Strafe für Microsoft - ZDFheute


improving age verification technology

I seriously wonder what that consists in?


Age verification is gonna piss off a lot of teenagers who want to watch porn lol


Good! 20 million is probably pocket change to them, but it sent a message. For the rest of us, they will probably start advancing more annoying 'solve a puzzle' to prove your age verification. :laughing:

Those DAMN stoplights!!! Every time, a do-over....A DO-OVER!! :vertical_traffic_light:


Yeah but how would it conceivably work?
The only two practical technologies I can imagine to assess someone's age online are face recognition or mandatory use of government issued identity. Or an x-ray of the wrist perhaps?
Face recognition is unreliable (yes, there is software that guess someone's age quite good, but can't tell a mature 17 from a younger looking 18), both are privacy invasive, and juniors will likely steal their less tech savvy elders credentials if they really want to anyways.
In short, I may be a little paranoid, but all this "to protect the children" thing seems to me a pretty lame excuse for more data collection.


Well that is the rub on this issue. I am sure this case is a setup for enacting gov't ids used to entering a web site, which is basically their big push into tracking us online, big brother crap. I don't see how they would do it any other way. Not everyone has cameras on their computers for face recognition.


I guess just like banks do with a selfie with your face and ID in the same frame and maybe your address and some other info to match it to you on the government database. Like here in the UK we have national insurance number for example. Match a selfie with the ID in frame to the national insurance number and address. Good luck getting around that lol. Because if you do they’ll probably work it out and then that’s fraud or something


probably going the "Show your passport" route, which I absolutely despise. Like why would I give my passport to some random company


Make verification age-appropriate: “Identify this part of the female anatomy.” Of course, most men would fail, whether juvenile or married. :wink:




Actually for me if I would have got something like this some years ago then yeah I won't care about anything , I only wanted at that time was an OS which just works and isn't too much internet hungry as M$ is because of it's spyware (but it should be a little faster than this :wink: )

Except the snap part I really liked the concept , would like to see it grow further and how people reacts to it, many people obviously hate it , but if I imagine myself as newbie (which I think I am no more maybe between advanced user and newbie thing) then what I would have wanted is this .

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Mmm... many teenage boys will then use the verification part more than the actual software for which they are logging in :sweat_smile:


Reddit blackout from June 12th to 14th

The blackout is effectively a widespread, digital protest against Reddit's price hike.

Given millions of users around the globe rely on third-party applications to engage with the platform, they're seeking a swift solution from Reddit in hopes they “fix what they've broken.
More details.


And here's the fucking ducking news