Kernel files corrupt after update or a problem with GRUB?

This is a good thought, but instead of using the Boot Repair tool try setting up a chroot, then reinstall Grub and regenerate the Grub configuration file like this: How to chroot Garuda Linux

You can probably use the chroot tool in Garuda Welcome to set the chroot if you’d like, just double-check it mounts the EFI partition in addition the root partition. If the chroot tool works you can skip down to this step:

  • If the system is installed in UEFI
    Find existing $esp partitions if more than one
parted -l | grep -iE "^Disk /|esp" | grep -B1 esp
Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 256GB
 1  1049kB  274MB   273MB   fat32   EFI system partition  boot, esp
 4  87,4GB  87,9GB  537MB   fat32   EFI system partition  boot, esp

In this example (my PC) there is /dev/nvme0n1p1, used for Windows and /dev/nvme0n1p4 used for my Linux system.
Select the proper $esp partition (you may check your /etc/fstab if you are not sure) and mount it inside chroot

mount /dev/nvme0n1p4 /boot/efi

Then install grub bootloader and update grub

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=garuda --recheck

Do not forget to exit chroot normally, before you close the terminal

Exit the chroot session with


If you are not familiar with what this should look like, log in to the forum from the live environment and paste the terminal input and output into the thread as you go.