Kde | lxqt-kwin | i3 | xfce | 200613 - Gnome 200614

im happy to announce that all the ultimate edition iso's got refreshed.

whats changed.:thinking:

  • zsh - we use oh-my-zsh with garuda-zsh-config.:laughing:

  • kernel - linux-zen 5.7 :sunglasses:

  • mesa - 20.1 :sunglasses:

  • mhwd - we now ship with complete opencl support for intel,amd,nvidia.
    virtualbox support got updated.
    out of the box support for 8723de wifi card.

  • neofetch - we now have our garuda logo in neofetch.

  • kde edition - plasma 5.19.:yum:
    we now use server side window decoration for the gtk apps.:smiley:

  • lxqt edition
    we use window tiling by default.:wink:
    server side window decoration for gtk apps.:smiley:

  • all other editions
    all packages got updated to the latest.:sweat_smile:

download -



Screenshot KDE - live ISO


I see you you were faster than me creating that iso :smiley:
Lite gnome will follow in a day or two :slight_smile:


It's only because of your preparation. :slight_smile:
While building the ISO there were no error messages that I had to solve for Gnome. :smiley:

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Just installed the LXQT Kwin Version. After the first boot and update, KSmoothDock becomes invisible. It will not auto start, but upon starting it, it stays invisible and later, silently, quits. No errors, no nothing. Had a similar issue with the KDE version. Tried reinstalling from chaotic. Same issue. It will not build from AUR either. Any idea what might be happening ? No mods at all.

I am the temp mod here and the last time I tested LXQT this error did not exist.
Which version did you install so that our main maintainer @librewish can help you. :slight_smile:
GL-Forum-01-sgs :slight_smile:

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Also, It seems that the KDE-Ultimate and Deepin- Ultimate versions from 6-19-2020 are unavailable. Says not found in any mirrors.

On my second SSD I use KDE with all updates and no problem with latte-dock so I think KsmootthDock is not in … I will have a look. :wink:
edit: ok, is in Packages-Desktop!

Deepin has 5 Downloads
garuda-deepin-ultimate-200619-linux-zen.iso 2020-06-20 4.7 GB
You download from



6 GB :slight_smile:

This download work for me.


looks like i have slim it down





because this post has to be 10 characters

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Thank you for the replies. I did try ksmoothdock-git, but it did not make a difference. In checking the issues at the devs github it seems the issue has been around for a while, but no specifics are offered as to the nature of the buggy behavior. I suppose the only course of action is to remove it and replace it with Latte.

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