Hey guys!
Following up on the last announcement its now time to finally get our plans regarding donations live!
We chose four options for donations to provide a more flexible solution for everyone who might want to support Garuda Linux. Our preferred option is Liberapay as its quite easy to operate for both you and us while not taking a cut of payments like other services do - only payment processing fees might arise (~below 5% in all cases).
As already mentioned we want to provide a transparent overview on how we spend money, that’s where Open Collective comes into play. Here, our incomes & expenses will be provided transparently. Credit card payments will automatically show up as in-going transaction which makes this a quite hassle-free option as well. Other incomes/expenses will be added manually by me once they happen. The only downside of Open Collective is that it takes quite high fees for its service (15% of incomes).
UPI is available to provide an easy way to donate for our Indian users. Here, no transaction fees are taken by the platform but it is limited to Indian users only.
As last option we also provide PayPal as option as that is one of the most common payment methods in the world. Just keep in mind that PayPal also might take quite high transaction fees.
In addition to the transparency provided by Open Collective there will be a yearly breakdown of our transactions.
Coming to the next important topic, for what do we spend donations? For this purpose we created a list of “acceptable usages” in order of importance:
- Server costs (hardware purchase or rental)
- Associated bandwidth fees
- Domain costs
- Fees for registration of Garuda at any national/international/governmental agency/authority
- Fees for promoting exposure of the distribution (most likely unneeded at this point)
The next immediate purchase is another server as backup builder in addition to the processing power generously provided by Fosshost. We are very thankful that this service exists - without it we wouldn’t be here!
If there are questions left: just create a new thread and ask about it!
At this point we also want to thank our community for taking part in that amazing journey. Now it is time to make sure that it lasts!