Is problem Nvidia on Hyprland ? Maybe NOT!

Have a nice day.

You know that I am working about using Hyprland with my Nvidia GT610 average 20days.

And it solved. But not with Garuda Hyprland iso.

Actually Hyprland settings include a lot of options/packages.

So need to try without giving up.

Last Sunday I install 1542145. Garuda :slight_smile: . This version Dragonize Gaming KDE.

Then I install Hyprland (GitHub - mylinuxforwork/dotfiles: The ML4W Dotfiles for Hyprland - An advanced and full-featured configuration for the dynamic tiling window manager Hyprland including an easy to use installation script for Arch based Linux distributions.)

When I login to Hyprland. Screen has vibration. I press Ctrl+Alt+F6 and turn command line.

Then I login in command line and write “Hyprland” and press Enter.
Hyprland is online!

On left on waybar “Settings” icon. It’s name " ML4W Dotfile Settings"

Opening window. Click “System” tab.
And move down with mouse.
Select your resolution from Monitors (I select 1920x1080.conf)
Move down.
Select Enviroments “nvidia.conf”

Now using without problems. I am trying 4-5days.

Some users said “If you newbie please don’t use the O2 of the room.”

You can see “You may need to use resources from many rooms/resources to succeed”.

Thanks for everything.

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