Is it possible to change boot name options?

Hi. I recently hopped from Linux Mint to Garuda as of Last night. I had a Grub menu that was customized to show me which OS I wanted to boot from.
I have Windows 10 and 11 on separate SSD's dedicated for both of them. However when I go to boot my system up, They are labeled as Windows Boot manager (/dev/sdc2), Windows Boot manager (/dev/sda2) rather than what they are. I know which one is which, but for some people who don't know my system as much as I do.. This is already confusing to them.

So that brings me here, I've tried looking on the Forums to see if anyone else was able to change the name.. No luck or I just have a terrible time looking.

I've looked into installing Grub Customizer but when I about to install it, it prompted me saying it conflicted with Garuda Boot Manager, as such I didn't want to install it to prevent any possible new issues to arise.

Any help is appreciated.

General advice I have received regarding Grub Customizer is avoid it. Not only will you have to remove Garuda Boot Manager, but many people find it tends to create problems that can be difficult to solve.

Check out the rEFInd boot manager. I've been using it for a while now on two multi-boot machines and it works great. It's rock-solid reliable, easy to use, and looks good (plenty of themes available so you can customize).


Thank you so much! I need to invest more time into rEFI boot manger because it’s picking up ALOT more than just Garuda and both my windows installs but overall it works for the most part!

You can press the delete key to remove boot options you don't want to see on the rEFInd menu, to help keep it tidy. It doesn't actually delete them, it just hides them so if it turns out you want to grab one of those other options you can just go down to the menu and pick it out.

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