I'm having issues mounting drives

Found the option but it was grayed out for me and I can't click it.

Looking around gnome-utility i found Edit Mount Options under + and turning off User Session Defaults and checking Mount at system startup and show in user interface, was able to mount the drive. Thanks for the suggestion, now I can get access to my files.

Still not can't mount or take ownership microsd card.

gnome utility gives me this error when trying to take ownership (i get this option on the sdcard).

Error taking ownership of filesystem on /dev/sdc1: Cannot mount /dev/sdc1 at /run/udisks2/temp-mount-ZXK041: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, mission codepage or helper program, or other error (udisks-error-quark, 0)

Shouldn't there be a config file I could reset back to default so I could just click the drives in dolphin and they would mount?

Other user reported issue at https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/can-mount-second-harddisk-ntfs/28678

User Renegade suggested package util-linux-2.39-1 was at fault.
I downgraded the packaged using sudo downgrade util-linux and selected package 2.38.1 and rebooted.

This didn't change anything for me.

Still stuck.