If I check for orphans I seem to see a lot of results post Plasma 6

I use yay for command-line package management, and I recently searched for orphans on a system I installed only a couple of weeks ago and got these results:

yay -Qdtq | yay -Rns -

checking dependencies...
:: krita optionally requires poppler-qt5: PDF filter
:: pyside2 optionally requires qt5-script: QtScript bindings
:: python-shiboken2 optionally requires qt5-script: QtScript bindings

Package (65)                 Old Version           Net Change

attica5                      5.115.0-1               -1.64 MiB
compiler-rt15                15.0.7-1               -39.95 MiB
kcolorpicker-qt5             0.3.1-4                 -0.08 MiB
kcontacts5                   5.115.0-1               -2.10 MiB
kirigami2                    5.115.0-1               -2.07 MiB
knewstuff5                   5.115.0-1               -5.87 MiB
kpeople5                     5.115.0-1               -0.85 MiB
kpty5                        5.115.0-1               -0.40 MiB
lib32-blas                   3.11.0-1                -0.33 MiB
llvm15-libs                  15.0.7-1              -121.14 MiB
plasma-framework5            5.115.0-3               -5.12 MiB
poppler-qt5                  24.03.0-1               -0.82 MiB
python-tqdm                  4.66.2-1                -0.65 MiB
qt5-script                   5.15.16-2               -3.62 MiB
syndication5                 5.115.0-1               -2.27 MiB
threadweaver5                5.115.0-1               -0.88 MiB
bluez-qt5                    5.115.0-1               -2.18 MiB
cdrtools                     3.02a09-5               -4.10 MiB
clang15                      15.0.7-2              -130.93 MiB
fan2go-git-debug             0.8.1.r23.gdfa4364-1     0.00 MiB
fan2go-tui-git-debug         0.2.0.r34.ge7e4ad3-1     0.00 MiB
festival                     2.5.0-5                -29.17 MiB
frameworkintegration5        5.115.0-1               -1.71 MiB
gendesk                      1.0.9-3                 -6.40 MiB
go                           2:1.22.1-1            -209.54 MiB
grantlee                     5.3.1-1                 -4.80 MiB
kactivities-stats5           5.115.0-1               -0.56 MiB
kcalendarcore5               5.115.0-1               -3.79 MiB
kdav5                        1:5.115.0-1             -1.03 MiB
kdesu5                       5.115.0-1               -0.53 MiB
kdsoap-qt5                   2.2.0-1                 -1.21 MiB
kfilemetadata5               5.115.0-1               -1.51 MiB
kholidays5                   1:5.115.0-1             -1.16 MiB
kidletime5                   5.115.0-1               -0.35 MiB
kimageannotator-qt5          0.7.1-2                 -1.54 MiB
kirigami-addons5             0.11.0-7                -0.82 MiB
kpeoplevcard                 0.1-2                   -0.05 MiB
kplotting5                   5.115.0-1               -0.45 MiB
kquickcharts5                5.115.0-1               -0.41 MiB
kquickimageeditor5           0.3.0-2                 -0.10 MiB
kross                        5.115.0-1               -1.73 MiB
krunner5                     5.115.0-1               -0.83 MiB
ldns                         1.8.3-2                 -1.88 MiB
lib32-faudio-debug           24.02-1                 -0.66 MiB
lib32-lapack                 3.11.0-1                -7.52 MiB
libinput-gestures-qt         0.4-1                   -0.21 MiB
libqaccessibilityclient-qt5  0.6.0-1                 -0.24 MiB
libretro-duckstation         2105-2                  -5.44 MiB
libxres                      1.2.2-1                 -0.02 MiB
meson                        1.3.2-1                -13.39 MiB
modemmanager-qt5             5.115.0-1               -1.28 MiB
nasm                         2.16.01-1               -3.23 MiB
networkmanager-qt5           5.115.0-1               -3.64 MiB
oxygen-sounds                6.0.1-1                 -2.06 MiB
purpose5                     5.115.0-3               -1.47 MiB
python-colour                0.1.5-11                -0.13 MiB
qgpgme-qt5                   1.23.2-1                -1.05 MiB
qqc2-desktop-style5          5.115.0-1               -0.32 MiB
qt5-networkauth              5.15.12-1               -0.23 MiB
qt5-webview                  5.15.12-1               -0.21 MiB
razergenie-debug             1.1.0-1                 -7.52 MiB
transcode                    1.1.7-44                -5.56 MiB
transcode-debug              1.1.7-44               -10.66 MiB
wayland-protocols            1.33-1                  -0.55 MiB
webrtc-audio-processing      0.3.1-4                 -0.80 MiB

Total Removed Size:  660.78 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]

This seems like a whole lot of packages… Am I seeing a real list, or have things been orphaned by my error or something?


wayland-protocols sort of sounds important.



and post always garuda-inxi. Please.


Removing packages with -Rns is often way too aggressive and non-orphaned/needed packages can be lumped in with the orphans due to the relationship between the packages. See also this related discussion:

It is better to use just plain -R to remove your orphaned packages, and just run it twice or thrice in a row until no more orphans are found. Or, use the cleanup function that SGS mentioned (which does the same thing).


Learn something new everyday. I had been following the arch wiki pacman tips and tricks on this for a while now. I thought it was weird it wanted to get rid of oxygen sounds :man_facepalming:.

Wonder what other stuff I needlessly got rid of over the last year, lol. I’ll have to do some diffing on the current package list and see.

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