I like to shere what i made today for my personal use but i want to shere it too so here :)



Why is that?

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Just a suggestion, you may want to adjust your README to give a high level explanation of what the script does, the benefits of using it over not using it, and maybe some specific examples. This would help put more peopleā€™s minds at ease of itā€™s security and for using it. Vague or no examples often are red flags for malicious code (though Iā€™m not saying yours is at all), and if you want this adopted widely, might help to add those things. :slight_smile:


From what I can tell, all itā€™s doing is enabling Anacity service

The package itself has good documentation and install instructions.

Just running a blind script isnā€™t the way to install software (how do you uninstall it if you donā€™t know what you did?)


Hmm. Is it something different than what Garuda Assistant already provides?

If enabled, the Ananicy rules are then updated via Garuda update (if new rules are available).


Why are performance tweaks and powersave tweaks disabled by default?

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Because we donā€™t know which might serve you better.

Is it a difficult concept to grasp?


Think of it like your BIOS settings. Everything isnā€™t ā€œhigh performanceā€ for a reason.

A good example why high performance might not be ideal is early zen CPUs.
2700x fall into this category. Default enabled Turbo boost settings pushes the CPU into the nonlinear zone in power consumption vs performance. You need way more power to keep the CPU at say 4.1Ghz than 3.8GHz. So thatā€™s what I did, I kept it under control. Benchmark differences where marginal, power consumption difference was significant.

AMD owners are doing better now since the efficiency is great with higher clocks.

I am guessing the ā€œperformanceā€ modes for linux keep the hardware from falling into deeper power saving states. The power cost is probably quite small here, but not to say non existent.

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On a laptop where itā€™s thermal-throttling anyway itā€™s probably not worth it.

Probably a nonissue in the gaming laptop segment since the cooling designs and hw design in general have leveled up.

because i donā€™t what the thermal from them so i added it conflict

ok i will do

yaa its have a lots of difference from that one

good one i should add some of these configs too in my config

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