How to fix old conky config

What's up guys? I haven't used conky in a while. I use gkrellm usually, but my first playing with code made these conkys (yes that's actually 2), which I just installed for the first time in years and they're screwed up now. I'm not sure why.

It looks like when it refreshes it's not removing the old characters. When I first start it it's clear, but as the characters change, the leftovers remain.

Anyway, I saw @ibanman555 's code and thought I'd try it and maybe use it as a base to work from, but it's not showing up in conky-manager. It's named niceone and is right there in .conky next to the 2 I made years ago. Is that not how you do it now? Do I need to re-learn?
I switched from conky to conky-lua-nv to see if it would help, but it looks the same. Why don't I see it there in conky- manager.

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Have you updated the conky code to the newer version? There is a script for that purpose available from the conky author...

Basically the comment style changed, and the syntax in the top part now requires commas that it didn't have before. If you post your scripts (in hidden and started and stopped by triple ` chars) I could do that for you - or forward the script if needed....

btw - conky-manager is pretty old too - and unneeded. Might be the source of the problem! :grin:


I just wanted the other thread to stay on topic. :slight_smile:

If you were able to fix your conky configuration it would be nice if you could post it here.

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Ah…I guess I do need to re-learn then. I did find a script on github called convert.lua. But it’s giving me errors with the file I made from the code that was posted.

 ╭─user@karuda in ~/.conky via 🌙 v5.4.4 took 6ms
[đź”´] Ă— ./convert.lua niceone
/usr/bin/lua: ./convert.lua:142: attempt to index a nil value (local 'settings')
stack traceback:
        ./convert.lua:142: in main chunk
        [C]: in ?

 ╭─user@karuda in ~/.conky via 🌙 v5.4.4 took 6ms
[đź”´] Ă— ./convert.lua niceone niceone.lua
/usr/bin/lua: ./convert.lua:142: attempt to index a nil value (local 'settings')
stack traceback:
        ./convert.lua:142: in main chunk
        [C]: in ?

I also found some manual instructions on the same page, but It’ll take me a few minutes to figure it out.

That's the right convert prog (that's the conky dev) - so there must be something there that stops it in its tracks! If you want an alternate eye on the manual fixes, if you post it in a "summary" I'll be happy to take a look.


Thanks for all the help! I’d take you up on it if I really needed it
Well, now know that old conky code needs to be updated, and I figured out how to fix my digits not disappearing…
I had to comment out the line which said,

own_window_transparent yes

I like it…

It appears you have the right mindset for conky adventuring! There are some REALLY long threads on the ubuntuforums about conky over the years that can give you some ideas (at the least) - and there is a lua-based library in the AUR that provides access to a LOT of widgets you might like to add in - things such as everything imaginable for a weather display, custom clocks, calendars and gauges etc etc. It is called conkywx - and will eat up your time if you're interested!

Feel free to contact if needed for assistance along the way - I've been conkying for a while now....


Thank y-ou very much, Sir. Since the 1st time I played with conkys I’ve always planned on fixing the 2 I made. They may look fine, but they are not fine. I played with them long enough to make them look g0od in the OS I ran then, but that’s the ONLY place they look okay. Since you’ve been doing this a long time, you would probably get quite a laugh just looking at the code. I hope you’re serious about contacting you for assistance…it really is about time to get started.

That’s actually 2 conkys. I found some stuff I wanted from 2 different conkys. i tried to join them into one conky, but got gonfused, so I left it. But I really would like to join them into one and add some guages. Do you think that would be tough? Here are the files…

Honestly, Thank You Very Much for the offer…If you hadn’t offered I would have put it off forever. Lol.

I’m hoping to be able to replace my Gkrellm, not that I don’t love Gkrellm…



Thank y-ou very much, Sir. Since the 1st time I played with conkys I’ve always planned on fixing the 2 I made. They may look fine, but they are not fine. I played with them long enough to make them look g0od in the OS I ran then, but that’s the ONLY place they look okay. Since you’ve been doing this a long time, you would probably get quite a laugh just looking at the code. I hope you’re serious about contacting you for assistance…it really is about time to get started.

That’s actually 2 conkys. I found some stuff I wanted from 2 different conkys. i tried to join them into one conky, but got gonfused, so I left it. But I really would like to join them into one and add some guages. Do you think that would be tough? Here are the files…


newconkyclock -

I would love to join them into one file and add some guages…and be ready to switch from Gkrellm…not that I don’t love Gkrellm…

Missing a bit here - need the lua files too! :grin:

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Those must be the lua files, Sir. I may have dropped the .lua for convenience. I just set those in my my .conky directory and they appear in conky-manager.

Perhaps - but I don't see them here - or in your posts! Hard to fix 'em if you can't see 'em...

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Sorry. they were in the pastebin links.

I really only shared them to give you a laugh. I would like to fix them, but I wouldn’t ask you to fix them. I may come at you with a question or 2 though.

Although I’ve seen it before, I can’t see how to make a summary. I’ll have to put them in block quotes.


# — SETTINGS — #
background no
update_interval 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 1024
imlib_cache_size 0
# — WINDOW — #
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
# — BORDER — #
border_inner_margin 1
border_outer_margin 1
border_width 1
# — SIZE — #
minimum_size 350 50
default_bar_size 150 4
alignment top_right
gap_x 21
gap_y 20
# — GRAPHIC — #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
#default_outline_color 909090
#own_window_colour 808080
# — TEXT — #
use_xft yes
xftfont Dungeon:size=8
xftalpha 1.0
uppercase no
override_utf8_locale yes
default_color FF0000
# — LUA — #
#lua_load ~/Conky/bgcolor/bg.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre conky_draw_bg
# — Colors — #
color1 FF0000
own_window_argb_visual no
own_window_color 000000
minimum_size 0 0
${font Ubuntu:size=20}${goto 5}$color1${time %I:%M %p}
${voffset -15} $color${font Ubuntu:size=10}${time %a %d %b %Y}${font}
#${voffset 4}${goto 5}Desk » $color1${desktop_name} (${desktop})
${voffset 5}$color      UPT » $color1${uptime_short}$color


alignment top_right
#alignment top_left
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
# Create personal, own window instead of using the Desktop (desktop), (especially for nautilus)
own_window yes
# Prevail (other "below" preferences)
own_window_type normal
# Transparent Background (PSEFTOAORATO).
own_window_transparent yes
# Behavior window (undecorated, below, sticky, skip_taskbar, skip_pager).
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
# Use double "buffering" (reducing flicker)
# buffering: memory used for temporary storage of data production or import.
double_buffer yes
# Use (yes) Anti-Aliasing for what fonts (YES for Greek fonts) .Dokimaste simply with "no."
use_xft yes
# Information Renewal "conky", in seconds (here every 3 seconds).
update_interval 0.5
# Minimum size.
minimum_size 20 20
# Maximum width (and height)of the window.
maximum_width 150
maximum_height 150
# Shades;
draw_shades no
# Text
# Incl
# Lironei text, and if so.
draw_outline no
# Borders in around the "conky 'window.# Borders in around the "conky 'window.
draw_borders no
# Font size.
font arial:size=10
# Set to yes (yes), if you want all text to be in uppercase.
uppercase no
# Printing data (it is the creation of a model simulation
# Various degrees of solidity or shading, using small dots) Borders
# (Thickness, distance to small grammoules around.)
stippled_borders 1
# Border margins.
border_margin 0
# Width of the border.
border_width 5
# Standard color information.
#default_color grey
# Color of Window (depends from the image we have in our desktop (Wallpaper)
#own_window_colour black
# Distance (pixels, dots) in horizontal X, Y Vertical, from the corner of the screen.
gap_x 10
gap_y 97
lua_load ~/.conky/lua/clock.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
own_window_argb_visual no
own_window_colour 000000
own_window_argb_value 0
# fahrenheit or celsius temperature output
temperature_unit fahrenheit
${voffset -20}${font  Swiss 921 BT:size=10}${color FF0000}
Cpu:  $cpu%  ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°F
${color 0f0f0f}${cpugraph 10,125 FF0000 941d1d}${color FF0000}
Mem:         $mem
Swap:         $swap
${voffset 10}Signal:     ${wireless_link_qual wlp4s0}%
Up:          ${upspeed wlp4s0}/s
Down:     ${downspeed wlp4s0}/s
${color 0f0f0f}${downspeedgraph wlp4s0 10,125  FF0000 941d1d}
${voffset -40}

I got the conky files - it's the lua ones that aren't in the pastebin (that I can see). I already tidied up the conky code - but I can't test without the lua :grin: No problem either way,,,,


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