How to create manual partition of disk for garudalinux

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I get this error time when i flash gnome on usb stick. Although linux installer works fine but wanted to know why this error pops up?

I would assume that means that your ISO had errors on it if it failed its checksum.

I'm not sure though, as I'm not familiar with Etcher usage. It has a little too much telemetry in it for my liking. I generally use Suse ImageWriter or the dd command.


How to calculate swap size?

For 50 gb i took 5 gb as swap
100gb i took 10GB

but system is not booting after switching to linux lts

Did you install the linux-lts-headers

Swap size is predicated on the amount of ram you have, and if you plan on hibernating.

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Yes before lts headers download it was working but after installation i rebooted machine and its gone. Stuck at same screen.

Although it didn't happened when i used 50GB for linux.

But this time i took exactly 99GB out of which
Created 500[fat32] boot/efi
10GB swap
Rest for /

But something went wrong from previous even i repeated alt+ctrl+f2 instructions twice. After failure of reboot.