How I installed every Garuda spin on one partition

Honestly I hadn't initially set out to create a document--rather, I had been putting together notes in Joplin while figuring out the process for myself. I have been trying to get into the habit of documenting how I set things up when I am doing something new or different. For certain things, I have found good documentation can be more valuable than a backup.

At some point, I ended up referring to the notes for a solution here in the forum (this one), and someone on the team mentioned it might be handy if I could write up a guide and put it in the wiki. The wiki post was honestly a piece of cake to write, because I just added some explanatory sentences to the notes I already had.

When we started getting close to the Raptor release, I thought it would be fun (and/or funny) to install every Raptor spin with this method, and I decided to write a topic to accompany the wiki post. That is when I had to put some effort into it, because multibooting so many installations without using the rEFInd Boot Manager would be...well, less awesome. :wink:

So I had to double-back and put together some notes for how to get rEFInd set up. As you can see, those notes ended up being more lengthy than all the subvolume setup! :joy:

In the end, it did end up taking a while to put together--at least a few hours. And although the whole project was done somewhat tongue-in-cheek (I have turned something practical or useful into a novelty, or even an absurdity), I do hope it can be a useful reference for folks who would like to get started using rEFInd or multibooting with subvolumes.