Am I missing something with editing the hosts file. I am editing /etc/hosts like I have hundreds of times but when visiting the domain I set, it times out. but using localhost it works. Is there something different within Garuda/Arch that I am not aware of? Thanks,
# Standard host addresses localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters pingu.yada
This is a sample, I don’t know how you are configuring yours .
I would have to go to pingu.yada:<port>
to access my locally administered site/server.
fyi, this is how I understood you.
Sorry, I might have not gave the right information. I usually just go to the hosts file and enter homestead.local
And it works. On Garuda this isn’t seen anywhere including in the terminal. Reboot doesn’t do anything either. Visiting directly works.