Hello everyone from Pakistan

Been using Garuda for the past 3 months and I believe that now is a good time to introduce myself.

I am an academic and writer who focuses on security/defense issues - particularly those relating to the Middle East.

My foray into the world of Linux began some years back when I had to work on my dissertation. My Windows operating system was getting in the way of doing a lot of things. Most of all, it lagged and felt bloated. Then a friend introduced me to Mint - which worked flawlessly.

I started reading about Linux in my free time and also learnt to use the terminal. I heard about Garuda some months back and decided to give it a try. Haven’t looked back since. It runs smoothly and everything just works out of the box. I recommend this to my students and colleagues now too.

Thank you to the team. I am not a computer programmer but I know all this must be very hard work.


Wow nice to see how how our community is growing more diverse and vibrant.
We have people from all kinds of fields, programmers, engineers, business persons, scientists, doctors, academicians, writers…

It is interesting to read how different people got introduced to Linux.

garuda welcome 2


Welcome to our community :smiley:
Saying hello from India :slightly_smiling_face:

Me too my friend :slightly_smiling_face: !!
I also get fascinated by this !!! :grin:


Welcome :slight_smile:



Nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

No, I won’t share any defense secrets with you.
Not that I know any.
I don’t.
I don’t know anything. <----this line is true boolean reports.

But, really, welcome to Garuda. :smiley:


Hello from India :blush: