Greetings Planet Garuda

Hi fellas,

Swingin' over to have a look ... from Endeavor, Manjaro, Antergos, ... , etc.

Recently, EOS & enjoyed it. The forum censored my first few posts. Wiped & installed Garuda of course. Dragonized with some slight personalization. Of course, walls & menu icon by the superstar SGS.

Looks good - congrats!



Hi @anon7733316. I remember you well from several other Linux forums, so nice to see you here.

Welcome to Garuda.


Hi tbg. You as well ... thanks & good to hear from you! :grinning:



Hi Naman. :smile:

I wasn’t exactly sure which forum you were referring to above, so I’ll clarify a few things for users unfamiliar with Garuda (and other discourse based forums).

Discourse based forums automatically limit how much and what type of content may be posted by new users. That is a discourse software limitation based on a users “Trust Level” or “TL”. The discourse software has safety limitations built in. This means that if your post contains unacceptable language (or content), or if another forum member “flags” your post it may be automatically censored/removed from the forum.

Forum admins, mods, or devs may also manually edit, unlist, delete, or move posts that we deem unacceptable, inappropriate, or simply redundant, or deemed of little benefit to other forum users.

Most Linux forums have guidelines on the types of posts that are not desired on their forums. These may include (but are not limited to), posts involving religion, politics, or any post of a controversial nature that may incite flame wars with other users.

We try not to overly censor posts here, but all political posts (or other divisive topics) will usually trigger moderation on most any Linux forum.

Just thought I’d mention that, in case you were unsure why your post may have been censored. Generally whether here, or any other Linux forum those types of posts will usually trigger some form of action either automatically or from direct action from a moderator.

Welcome to the Garuda forum.