Gparted formatted partition only visible by root

Wired Issue after formating a Harddrive with Gparted. KDE Partitionsmanger didnt find my sdb Harddrive.

ive backuped a harddrive like seen before in picture.(backupsa,SGB and SGB2) and created a new 500GB BTRFS for Games. The formatting goes nice but after it i want copy the steam libary back it says i have no rights to write data to it.Ive tried also over terminal or other formattings same result. i solved it myself to chance in otther tty and login as root and changed owner to my user account saved it.logged out and chance tty back and i have access to it.

Can be my issue again on a metal machine i dont know on VMs. If im alone with it what can cause this issues?

Is this issue only with the test ISOs or you also get it with official ISO?

Because if you get it with official as well, we will move your post into its own thread as it would not be related to the testing ISOs and that way you will get much more attention on the issue.

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the dolphin tabs are from kde 6.3 they are revamping parts of the ui

yeah its the test iso now.

i have to change my sd to the offical one and test it =) and reply back to you.=)

ps. The FireDragon Browser have some glitches in the Google Translater to choose the right language on the searchbar or when im scrolling down it pops back to the enter fields.I dont use it much only i noticed it.

yes same issue here on the official iso see here :wink:

its on KDE Plasma 6.2.5 and Kernel: 6.10.2-AMD-znver3 actually but same problem.the update is running now beside so far.

KDE Partitionsmanger see my sdb here but same issue after formatting only root as owner.

after update test again then it can moved for a new topic?

update: after 4GB and reboot.

its now on DE: KDE Plasma 6.3.1 and same behavior again.i mean the solution is there written but should be not normal for an User without experience. :upside_down_face:

Did you sudo chmod -R 755 ~or~ sudo chown Your user:Your Group /mnt/drive location or /run/drive location the drive? Did you add it to fstab? Unless when you formatted and made the drive/partition if you didn’t add it to fstab or make it editable, i’m pretty sure that’s common as its formatted as root.
Meaning you need dolphin admin mode or service menu root to put stuff on the disk / gui change the permissions. More the root service menu as dolphin admin mode has limitations.

At least that’s how i have had to deal with it as of the past year or so. But I honestly could be wrong. I’m on nix so I cant show off the service menu but I’m sure someone has a image.

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If not installed install rootactions then just rightclick inside the new partition’s folder in Dolphin and select Ownership To Active User.

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the way i fix this problem is to download gnome-disks, run it, and select the drive in question, and give myself ownership

. The is the easiest way to claim a drive, also USB for yourself, including a USB thumb drive.


Thank you ALL for looking around and everyone have a type of Solution :grinning: :clap:

yes that was my first tryings but causes error .The HDD is in the fstab allready because of steam games protontricks need to find it =)

Thank you very much ive tested this and it worked like you sayed after a update today again.

Very nice good to know the gnome-disk-utility working better as gparted and KDE Partitionsmager. Also gparted give me 390GiB and KDE Partitionsmanager same 390GiB but Gnome-Disk-Utility gave 419 GB and worked without issues after format it again.
I like it more if its in GB not GiB i know may i can change it somewhere like in download i had changed on steam lol.

Thanks for the Hint and Solution hopefully it helps other too :smile:

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GParted works just fine just not for giving you ownership. I can’t speak as to now but KDE’s partition manager in the past had issues.

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