I Just Installed Garuda Linux , I am getting slow download speeds while downloading dependencies or sdks inside intellij Based IDEs like intellij idea or android studio.
I tested the same thing on my windows dual boot and everything is fine there i am getting full download speed
The download speed is limited to 250-300kbps inside Garuda but it is okay in my windows install
Note that outside of IDE download speed is fine there is no issue
So i want to know if there is any solution for this issue, why arch is limiting the download speed, is there any configuration which is blocking intellij based severs ?
I don't have issue in installing the IDEs, but when I try to downloads the project dependencies or SDKs through the IDE, the download speed is very much slow
Sorry for the confusion, I only have the internet speed issues while downloading Android SDKs or Android project dependencies through Android Studio IDEs
The issue is only with intellij based IDEs