Garuda mission control

Hi! Can someone tell me what is the name of the program on Garuda Linux Dragonized that fires up when you put the cursor in the top-left corner of the screen and acts like Mission Control on macOS? I just want to link a key binding to it.

IIRC, just use the M$ key or $Mod-key for the launcher

And please, post your garuda-inxi, always!

Right click the little dragon in the top left corner,
click on configure application launcher,
click the keyboard shortcuts tab in the popup window.

@NaN, we are not talking about the launcher, but rather the program that shows the open windows. (Cursor in the top left corner)

Are you guys talking about activities Activities

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Yes, exactly. But not so much myself, but the questioner. :wink:

I think @SGS ceded Mission Control back to NASA. The last rocket Garuda sent to the Moon ended on Mars. Some kind of, um, “translation error” he said.


Garuda to Linus, we have a problem.


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