Garuda Linux on BlueSky

you folks want an invite for bluesky? I got a couple of them here

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Would be nice to PM, I’ve been waiting weeks for an invitation.
There seems to be a lot of interest :slight_smile:
But we still have Mastodon on offer. :smiley:


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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hopefully it won’t develop in the same way as X.

seems like the devs are more focused on their protocol than on the social network/app itself… lots of complains about lack of trust&safety team and such, but so far it feels like Twitter before closing down for 3rd parties. Lots of clients, couple of them developing unique experiences (GIFs, for example, so far are client-based and the official app doesn’t have it)

we can only hope.

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We need followers :wink: :slight_smile:

It need some time for me to find and check the own web address :smiley: :rofl: (it show all the time the address) on Bluesky

Seems a dangerous place



At least you know somebody cares. :slight_smile:

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At the moment Mastodon is clearly ahead of Bluesky in terms of the number of followers :slight_smile:


well, Mastodon IS the Linux of microblog social networks… =p


IRC please!