After tinkering for a few days with dr460nized, I decided to try the multimedia edition for its look. I fell in love with its simple yet beautiful design, but it's hella bloated with tons of stuff I won't ever use. Is there a way to have the MacOS-like look of the multimedia edition on a way less bloated version like the dr640nized? Thank you
You can either uninstall unwanted softwares using "Add/Remove Software" in multimedia edition or change global theme,colors,plasma look etc. in settings/appearance/ of Dr460nized version. You can search youtube "KDE Customization macos bigsur" and customize.
That's not what I meant. All I asked was if I could have a consistent MacOS-like style (like in the Garuda KDE Multimedia edition) but without all the useless (for me) bloats (4gb and a ton of stuff I don't need don't seem convenient just for the looks); other than that, dr460nized UI kinda broke after a simple system update:
and here it is after a system update: the top corner icons for app drawer and menu were strangely replaced, the folder icon is missing, and all those blank links of non existent applications in the dock were automatically added
I fail to see the broken part appearently (y, flameshot looks weird in this screenshot)?
Edit: y after the update it looks messed up. Did you apply configs & relog (Garuda assistant)
It looks weird because i clicked it instead of pressing the Print button, my bad. Other than that, it was normal. Btw i just posted the screenshot with the "broken" things
Just a heads up for everyone, the issue has just been fixed. Also the BeautyLine icons received some love by its creator so there are also new icons in place