For Those Who Make Music on Linux. "Adding Windows VSTs"

There is a nice tool you can use for vsts though its only for windows vst versions. (mac user for music) It requires a bit of set up but works fine once set up, mostly.

I recommend the tool yabridge/yabridgectl.

  1. You will have to use wine so I recommend bottles (flatpak). Make a container call it VST, Audio or something. I’ll use Audio in my example.
    Where $USER is, is where you put your system user name.

  2. Point it to create it in a folder in /home/$USER/. If not it will be in /home/$USER/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Audio/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/.

  3. Next in terminal run yabridgectl add "/home/$USER/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Audio/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/VST2/"
    and the same for VST3

  4. Then run yabridgectl sync

And you should be good to go.

  • If you have the low memory warning you can follow the guide in the yabridge link.

You can also add,

set -x ULIMIT_MEMLOCK unlimited
ulimit -m unlimited
ulimit -l unlimited

To your fish config and it should stop it. *Note you will have to restart for the changes to take effect.

You can also add some flags to the vst’s if you are having some issues for that check the linked github.

When done it should work as normal no latency as far as I can tell. I have not tested it with a “audio” vst but I can’t see it causing issues.

  • Windows VST3 Sylenth1 working in Bitwig on Linux.

Arch pkgs. You Need Both

One thing to note. The VST’s should be 64bit from my experience.

If you have issues with bottles (flatpak) you can report them here.


I really want to try this, as VST instruments/effects are what keeps me using windows


where does one store their windows vst’s for this to work? does it pull them from the standard .vst or user/lib/vst folders?

It’s pretty clear in step two of the gitlab. When you install the vst to the wine prefix like any windows installer it will print where it its but most vsts are in program files → common files.

In other words let them install normally. An as stated you have to point to where they are manually.

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Good ol’ sylenth!
This is helpful as I use a ton of plugins lol.
I just can’t live without my Valhalla reverb or waves plugins lol.

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