No need to download seperately, its available on Chaotic-AUR, package name firedragon
. So you just do a sudo pacman -Syu firedragon
That also means we get daily builds
We never noticed.
thanks man I have used windows for all my life and trying to make a full transition to Linux mainly as a effort to no longer use and support big tech giants thanks again man really appreciate it!
If things going on like this...soon Elon Musk will join this forum...
Lots of customization, lots of privacy....
Browser and Splash Screen both
Just my two(-three) cent, why not Dr460nFox? or DragonFox?
I can't set it as my default browser becaue of nighty any workarounds.
I think you have to remove previously installed Librewolf / Firefox and clear remaining data...
For KDE its easily done:
It doesnt collide with Firefox/Librefox installations, instead it uses its own folder
Indeed a missed chance Actually Im quite happy with FireDragon
There's always next time !
I already did that without any problem...
I thought he's getting error when selects default application
I use gnome.
Gnome 40 to be exact haven't run into any bugs yet except that sweet theme isn't gtk4 compatible. Anybody have A fix?
Has anyone done any testing in terms of performance? Dragonwolf vs regular Firefox? Also, I'm a bit confused about the name. Is it firedragon or dragonwolf? Can't find package in chaotic called firedragon but dragonwolf is there.
sudo pacman -Syu firedragon
Installed firedragon. I like it !!
But I have a few suggestions. Use duckduckgo as default search engine ( ddg bang is the greatest invention since the Wheel ) . Secondly, add cookie autodelete extension. Both easy to do even if they aren't there to begin with ( as I just did ).
Need to test the performance still.
Hi @dr460nf1r3 ,
How can I add your FireDragon settings?
Where is the target directory and how to apply it after git clone?
Thats actually a nice idea. For the cookie deletion though, I would have no use of it as I use the internal cookie whitelist, everything else is not kept anyway
Let me know how the performance monitoring went!
Are you trying to install the browser? Just do that via pacman
If you mean something else, please elaborate