Efivars is full ! ... IS this a problem?

OK this is a bit over my head.

To be clear the current situation is that I have noticed that my efivars directory has grown to be essentially full (~1-2% available)

While not a problem NOW it appears it could become catastrophic?

This also very likely NOT a Garuda issue.

Any help will be appreciated.

NVRAM is on the motherboard and is likely only 256K and I’m guessing it is read into efivars. So with only 4K available in nvram I guess I need to reset it in the bios interface.

Hopefully I’ll be back to report success.

…And an update…

Wonders never cease!

I restarted in my Arch LTS HDD ran df- h which does not see the efivars directory
Updated Arch LTS and rebooted back into Garuda on SSD nmve.
Magically my efivars is down to 31% use so problem gone.

Arch LTS is on an EXT4 drive.
Garuda KDE-lite is on a BTRFS drive (which is new for me and I’m learning the FS)

Something to watch carefully i guess.

Will review resetting the BIOS to defaults but for now Loving Garuda and don’t want to break it.

Thank you all for helping me along with this.