DX12 is not supported (Bottles, Lutris, Heroic) / Visual C++ Runtime required (steam launcher Proton GE)

You could try setting the nvidia.modeset=1 kernel parameter.

And how would I do that/ why do you think it’ll help?
Nvidia drivers are installed correctly, btw.
Using the aforementioned portproton I can play Ghost Of Tsushima and other DX12 only games no problem.

Well how bout trying the lts kernel, it might ix it ? run sudo pacman -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers and reboot, check if the games run then. Verify by running uname -r after rebooting that it indeed is running the LTS kernel.

Ahh, man.

I might sound like a pussy here, but I am absolutely unfamiliar with the whole kernel situation.
Meaning I barely understand what kernel is and the idea of switching from zen to something else, possibly bricking the whole (Win10 Dual boot. I need to check the NTFS disks for errors and repair them from time to time) PC, forcing me to reinstall Linux again, sounds scary tbh.

That is why I would prefer to get to understand the problem, rather than just do a couple of trial/error steps leading to the possibility of an unstable, broken, or just messy OS.

How would I switch between those two kernels, after hypothetically switching to the lts?

Is there a way of finding out which kernel would be the best for my setup?

Ok. Update: Switching to lts did nothing.
Only Dolphin now shows number of files, instead of size of folders (fixed in settings).

Switching to BORE also with no change.

Conclusion: Kernel is/was not the problem.

I have the same CPU (4690k) and I’m using linux-nitrous, it works like a charm.
I’ve tried all of them and this is what performs best.

In terminal run cat /etc/default/grub and wine --version, post output here.
Do you have dxvk, vkd3d, dotnet-runtime, lib32-nvidia-utils, lib32-vkd3d installed?

cat /etc/default/grub and wine --version
bat 0.24.0 (fc954685)

I have “dxvk-mingw-git”, “vkd3d”, “lib32-vkd3d”, “vkd3d-proton-mingw-git”, lib-32nvidia-utils installed, but not dotnet-runtime.

I have dotnet in Bottles, though and Steam also has it.

EDIT: Installing dotnet-runtime solved nothing.

Could you guys please include an explanation of why do you think your solution might work? Like, what would installing dotnet-runtime do to make the launchers finally run dx12 games as well as PORTPROTON does.

run cat /etc/default/grub in terminal and post output here.
Mine is:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=‘quiet loglevel=3 ibt=off resume=/dev/disk/by-uuid/45bcf8fd-50cc-44d3-add4-8a
3586b06983 lvm nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 apparmor=1
wine --version
Mine is wine-9.9 (Staging)

It’s dxvk-bin and vkd3d-proton-bin, not mingw

dotnet-runtime it’s necessary to run some games /apps.

Did you tried https://heroicgameslauncher.com/ ?
It’s very easy install and customize to run DX12 games
To install it’s sudo pacman -S heroic-games-launcher-bin

As stated in the OP, yes, I have tried ALL the launchers, buddy. None of them work, even though they have vkd3d installed and updated (Bottles, f.e.).

there is no “dxvk-bin” nor “vkd3d-proton-bin” in octopi and using bauh gave this error:

Package databases already synchronized
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/dxvk-bin.git --depth=1 /tmp/bauh@shambhu/arch/build_1717093449/dxvk-bin

Cloning into '/tmp/bauh@shambhu/arch/build_1717093449/dxvk-bin'...
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
Using custom makepkg.conf -> /home/shambhu/.config/bauh/arch/makepkg.conf
makepkg -ALcfm --check --noarchive --nobuild --noprepare --nodeps --config=/home/shambhu/.config/bauh/arch/makepkg.conf

==> Making package: dxvk-bin 2.3.1-1 (Čt 30. května 2024, 20:24:12)
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Downloading dxvk-2.3.1.tar.gz...
% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
0 7806k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  8 7806k    8  655k    0     0   412k      0  0:00:18  0:00:01  0:00:17  857k
 20 7806k   20 1596k    0     0   615k      0  0:00:12  0:00:02  0:00:10  903k
 45 7806k   45 3538k    0     0   984k      0  0:00:07  0:00:03  0:00:04 1279k
 64 7806k   64 5004k    0     0  1089k      0  0:00:07  0:00:04  0:00:03 1328k
 73 7806k   73 5756k    0     0  1028k      0  0:00:07  0:00:05  0:00:02 1206k
 81 7806k   81 6364k    0     0   965k      0  0:00:08  0:00:06  0:00:02 1141k
100 7806k  100 7806k    0     0  1064k      0  0:00:07  0:00:07 --:--:-- 1309k
-> Found setup_dxvk.sh
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
dxvk-2.3.1.tar.gz ... Passed
setup_dxvk.sh ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting dxvk-2.3.1.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Sources are ready.
Using custom makepkg.conf -> /home/shambhu/.config/bauh/arch/makepkg.conf
makepkg -ALcsmf --skipchecksums --nodeps --config=/home/shambhu/.config/bauh/arch/makepkg.conf

==> ERROR: Cannot find the debugedit binary required for including source files in debug packages.
rm -rf /tmp/bauh@shambhu/arch/build_1717093449

trying with terminal said just:

sudo pacman -S vkd3d-proton-bin
[sudo] password for shambhu:
error: target not found: vkd3d-proton-bin

cat /etc/default/grub gave this (posted only the same part as you did, though, not the whole thing)

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet loglevel=3 ibt=off nvidia.modeset=1"

wine --version says “wine-9.9”

To install vkd3d-proton-bin you can’t use pacman, pacman doesn’t install AUR packages.
In my opinion, pamac-aur it’s better than oktopi.
I use aptpac because it use the same sintax that Debian.
You can install it with sudo pacman -S aptpac or use yay
aptpac install vkd3d-proton-bin

==> ERROR: Cannot find the debugedit binary required for including source files in debug packages

You need to install debugedit sudo pacman -S debugedit
without debugedit installed many apps don’t install, thats your 1st problem.
Have you tried nvidia-open-dkms ? It works with your GPU
try wine-staging-wow64 it’s better, it’s the only I can play all my games

1st: sudo pacman -S debugedit aptpac
2nd: aptpac install dxvk-bin dxvk-nvapi-mingw vkd3d lib32-vkd3d vkd3d-proton-bin mesa libva-mesa-driver glu mesa-utils mesa-vdpau vulkan-mesa-layers lib32-glu lib32-libva-mesa-driver lib32-mesa lib32-mesa-utils lib32-mesa-vdpau lib32-vulkan-mesa-layers
3rd: aptpac install wine-staging-wow64 winetricks wine-mono
4th: aptpac install libnvidia-container libva-nvidia-driver libvdpau libxnvctrl nvidia-container-toolkit opencl-nvidia lib32-libvdpau lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia
5th: aptpac install nvidia-dkms OR nvidia-open-dkms

If it asks for replace / reinstalling choose yes.
If this doesn’t work, only reinstalling, that’s all you need to run everything with nvidia gpu

1 Like

Thank you for the patience, really.

Step 2 gave this output:

: Resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for dxvk-nvapi-mingw:
:: Repository AUR:
1) dxvk-nvapi-mingw  2) dxvk-nvapi-mingw-git
Enter a number (default=1): 1
:: There are 2 providers available for vkd3d-proton-bin:
:: Repository AUR:
1) vkd3d-proton-bin  2) vkd3d-proton-bin-git
Enter a number (default=1): 1
:: Calculating conflicts...
:: Calculating inner conflicts...

:: Conflicts found:
dxvk-bin: dxvk-mingw-git (dxvk-bin)  dxvk-mingw-git (dxvk)  dxvk-mingw-git (d9vk)
vkd3d-proton-bin: vkd3d-proton-mingw-git (vkd3d-proton)  vkd3d-proton-mingw-git (vkd3d-proton)

:: Conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually

Repo (7)                     Old Version  New Version    Make Only
extra/meson                               1.4.0-5        Yes
extra/mingw-w64-binutils                  2.39-1         Yes
extra/mingw-w64-crt                       11.0.0-1       Yes
extra/mingw-w64-gcc                       13.1.0-1       Yes
extra/mingw-w64-headers                   11.0.0-1       Yes
extra/mingw-w64-winpthreads               11.0.0-1       Yes
extra/ninja                               1.12.1-1       Yes

Aur (3)                      Old Version  New Version    Make Only
aur/dxvk-bin                              2.3.1-1        No
aur/dxvk-nvapi-mingw                      0.7.0-1        No
aur/vkd3d-proton-bin                      2.12-1         No

:: Proceed to review? [Y/n]:

:: Downloading PKGBUILDs...
# Maintainer: Adrià Cereto i Massagué <[email protected]>
# Co-Maintainer: Jonas Van der Aa <[email protected]>

pkgdesc="A Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 9/10/11 which allows running 3D applications on Linu>
provides=("dxvk" "d9vk" "dxvk=$pkgver")
conflicts=("dxvk" "d9vk")

package_dxvk-bin () {
optdepends=('lib32-vulkan-icd-loader: 32-bit Windows application support')
install -D "dxvk-$pkgver"/x32/* -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/x32"
install -D "dxvk-$pkgver"/x64/* -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/x64"
install setup_dxvk.sh -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/"

what now? :smiley:
How do I “decide”? I mean, it did not give me any options which one to keep and which one to discard.
I really do not want to get to the point of not even PortProton working. xD

Looking at it now, I should probably uninstall the dxvk-mingw-git and vkd3d-proton-mingw-git, and run the command again, am I right?

Enter 1, it is asking if you want

  1. dxvk-nvapi-mingw 2) dxvk-nvapi-mingw-git

I personally don’t want nothing git installed, it’s happens to have bugs

Proceed to review? [Y/n]:

press y then q

You don’t need to uninstall first, press y when it asks for replacing.
portproton will keep working for sure

I did press 1 and then Y. :smiley:
But then it continued as stated in the quote saying conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually. Then I was not asked about anything more. I will erase the aforementioned two packages and run the command again in the morning. See what happens then and report back.

Hi, so I am back at it, sorry for the delay.

I must be missing some (garuda) basic knowledge, because I don’t know what to do with the result. I uninstalled the two conflicting packages and ran the (2.) command again. But it did not install the stuff. It just resulted in some kind of a script I do not know what to do with and dxvk-bin did not get installed. Am I supposed to do something more? Here is the konsole output:

: Downloading PKGBUILDs...
PKGBUILDs up to date
# Maintainer: Adrià Cereto i Massagué <[email protected]>
# Co-Maintainer: Jonas Van der Aa <[email protected]>

pkgdesc="A Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 9/10/11 which allows running 3D applications on Linu>
provides=("dxvk" "d9vk" "dxvk=$pkgver")
conflicts=("dxvk" "d9vk")

package_dxvk-bin () {
optdepends=('lib32-vulkan-icd-loader: 32-bit Windows application support')
install -D "dxvk-$pkgver"/x32/* -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/x32"
install -D "dxvk-$pkgver"/x64/* -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/x64"
install setup_dxvk.sh -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/dxvk/"

EDIT: OMG am I a noob! :smiley: Ok, so I just went and installed the two packages via BAUH, then went back to the konsole and typed Q, thinking that is the proper way of closing it, and got surprised with the Y/n prompt. :smiley: So, I did “Y” and now I’m hoping I did not screw it up by installing the two in the meantime. :smiley:

The result is interesting. So far BOTLLES still insists I don’t have a dx12 support, but WINE only talks about the C++ runtime… This is SO weird, because in the previous Garuda install all worked just out of the box.

EDIT2: WOW. I mean, WOW. The results are in! :smiley: So, now the WINE can run DX12 games (tested on Pacific Drive, BG3) with no problem. You are a godsend, brother. I will be pinning this as a solution, even though BOTTLES still insists I don’t have a DX12 capability… I just, to be sure, installed the VC++ runtimes with the wine program launcher before trying the Pacific Drive, so that might be necessary (I installed the regular version, not the one in winetricks). So, once again, thank you a lot for this guide I can now always come back to in the future.

Both the PortProton and Your solution work. Thanks guys, you are the best.

1 Like

C++ error you need this Latest Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One May 2024 Download | TechPowerUp or install with winetricks

I was editing the post when you replied (like a gigachad) to the last post.

Thanks, man. I still do not understand what is up with Bottles not running dx12 games, but I could not care less now. :smiley:

I really appreciate the time you have spent on helping a complete noob with this problem and to follow up until a solution was reached? You just rock.
I hope you get an awesome blowjob or something else if you would prefer for a reward of being this helpful.
Now I can just run games with no hassle and 3d party stuff (I will be keeping PortProton ofcourse).

EDIT: Well, looks like it was only the Pacific Drive, that works… :smiley:
Neither Ghost of Tsushima, nor Everspace 2 do. But f.e. Kingdom Come runs fine… It looks like a hit or miss situation. Still, better than before!

Dammit. I was prematurely celebrating… :smiley:

Ghost of Tsushima was not able to find a graphics card and did not run.

It said no GPU an then this:

I tried switching between proprietary and open source here:

But that lead to no change.

Thaumaturge gave the “no DX12” error…
Dishonored is suddenly (after the wine reinstall) on a constant 2 FPS…
Its a mess. :smiley:

Should I install the nvidia drivers into wine? That seems unwise. :smiley:

Running Everspace 2 in konsole:

vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"advapi32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"sechost"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"hid"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"user32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"win32u"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"dxgi"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"opengl32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"dsound"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"combase"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"coml2"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"ws2_32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"aclui"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"imm32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"shcore"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"oleaut32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"iphlpapi"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"nsi"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"dwmapi"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"uiautomationcore"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"oleacc"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"crypt32"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"bcrypt"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"jsproxy"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"cfgmgr32"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"version"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"winex11"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"d3d12"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"vulkan-1"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"winevulkan"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"propsys"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"msctf"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"explorerframe"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"msasn1"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"cryptnet"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"wldp"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"wintrust"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"imagehlp"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"xinput1_4"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mf"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mfplat"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"rtworkq"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"msmpeg2vdec"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"msauddecmft"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mfplay"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mpr"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mswsock"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"avrt"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mfreadwrite"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"mmdevapi"
0124:err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"winepulse"
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01e8:fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
01f0:fixme:heap:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber semi-stub: 0000000000B9E1D0
01f0:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0x409 0000000000B577A4 0000000000000000 0000000000B577A0)
returning a dummy value (current locale)
01f0:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0x409 0000000000B577A4 000005625ABB2AE0 0000000000B577A0)
returning a dummy value (current locale)
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:win:DisableProcessWindowsGhosting : stub
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:msctf:EnumTfInputProcessorProfiles_Next (0000000001C190C0)->(32 0000000000B569C0 0000000000B568A0)
01f0:fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile (0000000001C47290)->({34745c63-b2f0-4784-8b67-5e12c
8701a31} 0000000000B56960)
01f0:fixme:system:NtUserSystemParametersInfo Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS)
01f0:fixme:system:NtUserSystemParametersInfo Unimplemented action: 53 (SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS)
01f0:fixme:system:NtUserSystemParametersInfo Unimplemented action: 51 (SPI_SETFILTERKEYS)
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000097783F0, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_factory_EnumAdapterByGpuPreference Ignoring GPU preference 0x2.
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:dxgi:DXGID3D10CreateDevice Ignoring flags 0x1.
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_factory_EnumAdapterByGpuPreference Ignoring GPU preference 0x2.
01f0:fixme:dxgi:DXGID3D10CreateDevice Ignoring flags 0x1.
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
0124:fixme:dbghelp_msc:numeric_leaf Unsupported numeric leaf type 800a
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 000000000976FE60, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 Ignoring flags 0x8800.
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:skip_u32_unknown Skipping 1 unknown u32s:
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:skip_u32_unknown 0x00000008
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:skip_u32_unknown Skipping 1 unknown u32s:
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:skip_u32_unknown 0x00000008
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:d3dcompiler_shader_reflection_init Unhandled section 'SFI0'!
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:d3dcompiler_shader_reflection_GetDesc iface 0000000001C1A420, desc 0000000000B57160 par
tial stub!
01f0:fixme:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 Ignoring flags 0x8800.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 Failed to compile shader, vkd3d result -4.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 Shader log:
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:7:1: W4300: Redefinition of ESlateShader.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:8:1: W4300: Redefinition of ESlateShader.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:9:1: W4300: Redefinition of ESlateShader.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:10:1: W4300: Redefinition of ESlateShader.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:11:1: W4300: Redefinition of ESlateShader.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:249:34: W5300: Implicit truncation of vector type.
01f0:err:d3dcompiler:D3DCompile2 <anonymous>:268:20: E5000: syntax error, unexpected ':'
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 00000000099D1930, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub!
vkd3d:019c:fixme:d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds iface 0000000009CFDA30, min 0.00000000e+00, max 1.0000000
0e+00 stub! 

I do not expect you to go through this. I just thought maybe you would be interested in the information it provides, if any useful at all.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

Do not install driver inside wine, it doesn’t work anyway.
install these 3 things with wine

Blockquote DepositFiles DepositFiles DepositFiles

Test another nvidia driver, sudo pacman -S nvidia-open-dkms wine-mono

Try play with Steam, in steam menu choose games, add non-steam game…
In game properties, compatibility choose proton9

I have seen that Win10 only run shaders 6.5, so in terminal run winecfg, where is windows 10 change to windows 11.
1st time installing games in Linux it’s hard work, but then it’s just to do a backup

Last try in terminal,

sudo pacman -S dotnet-sdk
dotnet add package Microsoft.Direct3D.D3D12 --version 1.614.0
sudo dotnet workload update

Will try after I download all the “DepositFiles” links on my slow internet and after the limits run out. Also, could you explain a bit about the tar file? What do I do with that?

I did not try steam, but deleted Heroic Launcher and manually deleted the files, then reinstalled a fresh one and now dx12 games (Thaumaturge, Everspace 2) work well. Bottles still do not and wine is on and off for now.

I will come back with the results.

Thanks for your time. I really appreciate it.

Also, I friggin love garuda for some reason.

That tar file it’s too be manually installed, do it at last step.
bootles it’s just trash, use steam /heroic
try first running game in steam:
installing that apps with wine (download this, it’s faster NINJAFILES - apps.7z):
changing windows version with winecfg
install nvidia-open-dkms